Are You Ready?

Author's note: Sorry for not updating for a while now. My health hasn't been at its greatest and I'm still leaning more on the 'eh' side. Thank you for your patience and for reading my novel! Here are some chapters to make up for many days that I haven't updated. Hopefully, I can continue writing~ XD

WARNING! Mature content ahead (kind of). Although it may not make a difference whether y'all see this message or not, I still have to put this message up in case any of you are uncomfortable with rated 18 chapters. Ahem~ Well, you've been warned XD!

Curtains drifted gently as soft breezes entered through the window. On the other side of the transparent glass laid two figures, one on top of another. Rolling intimately under the blanket, Bryan and Celinda showered countless kisses on each other's faces.

Breathless pants interrupted the quietness in the room. On the floor, their robes sat sloppily against the cabinet. Like leaves blowing in the wind, their clothes rustled - clothing slid off their bodies.

With only undergarments left on her body and boxers around his waist, Bryan minimized the gap between their lips once again. The sweet taste of her lips was a mixture of fruits and dessert from earlier. However, the sweetness was a unique one that only her lips possessed.

Her lips moistened from his saliva. Right when she thought the kiss couldn't get any deeper than it already is, his tongue slid into her mouth and played a game of tag with hers. Although this wasn't the first time they've kissed this way, she couldn't help but feel intimidated.

Noticing her nervous behavior, he playfully trailed his hands from her cheeks to her arms. While stroking her arms repeatedly, he would break the kisses inbetween and plant new ones on her face. She giggled in response and wrapped her arms around his nape, pulling him in for another affectionate kiss.

Using the strength she had, she toppled him and straddled as they continued making out. His fingertips naughtily ran up and down her back until he felt she was no longer as nervous anymore. Slowly, he reached for the clasp of her bra and slid it off her body.

Holding his shoulders in place, Celinda bent down and whispered with her lips settled between his ear lobe and neck. "You pervert." Her sudden tease gave an instant effect to the bulge hiding in his boxers. Chuckling, she sat up and traced her fingers on his six-pack abs.

"Do you like what you see?" She guided his hands to the side of her hips where two ribbons held the crotchless panties in place.

"I love it, but it is better like this instead." He flipped their position in a matter of seconds, disheveling her messy hair on the pillow. Without giving her an opportunity to object to this position, their lips met once again. This time, he massaged her breasts and fondled them.

Moans escaped her mouth as he pinched her aroused nipples countless times. As pleasure dominated her mind, she spread her legs wider. Slowly, his fingers found the ends of the ribbons that kept her panties attached to her body. With one light pull, the ribbons on her panties loosened, leaving her fully naked.

"That's not fair if I'm the only one who strips." She reached for his boxers and pulled them down his thighs. Under his cooperation, his boxer was successfully kicked off the bed. It wasn't the first time he had seen her naked, but this time it felt different compared to other times. This time, they were engaged, and she was his future wife.

Seeing him staring shamelessly at her body, she blushed and reached out to push him down. "Keep staring, and I'll punish you in bed." She spoke slyly, pursing her lips.

"Oh? Then, I'd love to see how you'll p-u-n-i-s-h me." He brought her palms to his lips, kissing her wrists. His eyes locked with hers as his lips parted teasingly.

Challenged by his thoughtful flirting, she bent forward and placed her hands on the pillow. She pinched his chin and bit his lower lip. Motioning thrust movements against his erection, she rubbed her freshly shaved peach on his manhood.

"" She continued nibbling his lip, enjoying the moistening sensation from their collision. The wetness coming from her vagina acted as lubrication for his penis as she slid the tip of his penis closer to her entrance. Every time the head of his shaft reached between her folds, separating it little by little; she would move away.

Groans left his lips. His eyes closed in the process of her bold gestures. Refusing to surrender under her provocation, he held her hips and moved in unison. As she moaned pleasurably with her bottom lip sucked into her mouth, he sat up and lightly bit her nipple.

While sucking on her perky nip, his other hand fondled her breast. His tongue circled around her hardened nip and hands explored areas of her body. Once he was done with one side, he sucked the other nipple.

Sliding his free hand to the back of her torso, he slid his hand down to her butt cheeks. The softness of her fair skin and the wetness between her folds made him lose the last bits of self-control.

He carefully laid her in bed and once again parted her legs. Climbing on top of her, he planted more kisses on her face. His fingertips trailed down her torso until it reached her clit where juices overflowed from her pussy.

She trembled upon his touch, and a loud moan filled the room. As he playfully massaged her privates, he resumed kissing her. After minutes of teasing, his finger reached her vaginal hole. He stopped and whispered, "are you sure you're ready for this? We could wait until we get married. You can still stop me right now."

Her palms slid down the sides of his cheeks as she stared affectionately at him. "I'm ready. As long as it's you, I'll always be ready." She smiled, bringing her lips onto his.

After gaining her permission to continue, he penetrated her vagina with his fingers. Since they've gotten this far in the past, it wasn't difficult for his fingers to slide in. Once he was certain that she was ready for him, he positioned himself between her legs.

He stroked his penis a few times and showered kisses on her lips. "I love you so much." He whispered, burying his face in her neck.

"I love you too," Celinda whispered softly into his ears.