Positive Results?

Within twenty minutes, Celinda and Selina arrived at the supermarket. After parking the car, the two of them hurriedly searched for the female products aisle. However, another problem came up - they didn't know which pregnancy test to buy!

Staring at the many brands in front of them, the girls looked at each other confusedly.

"There are so many choices, which one is better?" Selina asked, reaching out to take different brands off the shelves to compare the products.

"I have no idea. Since when did the world become this complicated?" Celinda flipped the two products in her hands around and read the instructions.

After comparing the products for a while, they shrugged and tossed five different products into the basket.

Once the girls got back to the villa, they noticed the group of guys sitting obediently on the couch. Their backs were straightened, seeming incredibly tensed. Without saying anything to them, the girls ran upstairs.

"Ah! You guys are back!" Jessica took the bag from Selina's hands and poured the content out on the floor.

"Why did you two buy so many? Isn't one box enough?" Yi Wei looked at the boxes on the floor and read the instructions. According to online comparisons, the ones they currently have were the top five listed online.

"We didn't know which one was the best and most accurate. It wouldn't hurt to purchase more. The methods are pretty similar, so it shouldn't be hard to test it." Celinda explained how long it took them to choose these five products.

After reading the instructions, Kyla took a few pregnancy tests into the restroom while the girls stayed outside to wait for the results. A few minutes later, the sound of water flushing down the toilet could be heard. The girls gathered excitedly as if they were the husband waiting for the wife to come out with the test.

"Ahhhhh, why is it taking so long? Who invented these tests to make it three to five minutes long?? I'm going crazy, and the child isn't even mine!!!" Jessica rubbed her hands as she strolled in circles.

"Be patient. Maybe it's not what we think. Who knows?" Although Selina said these words calmly, her heart was beating faster than an Ostrich's race. Finally, the long wait was over and the restroom door slowly creaked open.

Kyla stepped out with one hand caressing her stomach and the other holding the results of multiple pregnancy tests. Taking the plastic cup from her hand, Selina read the results. "Two lines on each of them! What does it mean again?"

"It means that she is pregnant!!! She's pregnant!!! Ahhhhh, we are going to be godmothers!!! Oh my goodness!!! We are going to have a small baby added to the family!!! W..Wait! No! I am going to be an aunt! Y'all are godmothers!!!" Jessica exclaimed, shaking Selina's shoulders.

"But.. this feels surreal. Am I really pregnant? Could these tests be wrong?" Kyla couldn't believe she was going to be a mother. She didn't know how she should feel about the sudden news.

"Of course you are! Wait, what are you doing here? Stop standing and sit down properly! I heard the first three months is very important!!! Wait, we need to go downstairs to tell the guys about this!!! Especially the stupid father!" Celinda exclaimed.

Listening to her words, the four of them carefully helped Kyla to the bed. Even when she sat, they made sure the bed was cushioned to support her body in a comfortable position.

"W..Wait! But how do I know it is..that I am really pregnant? I mean, I know we never used protection and the chances were still there. It was during that one time a little over two months ago that I got tipsy and we did it on a dangerous day. Ahhh, I don't know how I should feel about this." Kyla crossed her arms on her stomach, gently hugging it.

"If you're not sure about the accuracy of these tests, then let me try one. The results of the tests should all be negative. If any of these tests come out positive, then it will show that it is ineffective. Then, we will confirm at the hospital." Celinda took a few unused tests and walked into the bathroom.

Since the girls knew about Celinda's infertility, they weren't worried about the results. While they were waiting for the negative results to be out, they heard a shriek from the restroom. Selina instinctively reached for the knob and knocked on the door. "Celinda, are you alright in there? Celinda? Can you hear me?"

"Y..Yeah...Hold on..." Celinda's voice remained high-pitched making her response sound rather awkward. Inside the restroom, she stared at the plastic cup with the few tests she had taken just now. She flushed the toilet, rinsed her hands, and brought the results out in a daze.

Celinda stayed silent after exiting the bathroom. She looked as if she was processing something complicated. Selina shook Celinda's arm gently and waved her palm to get Celinda's attention. "Celinda, what's wrong? How were the results of your tests? Was it accurate?"

"I....uh...I..." She stuttered, wondering how she should answer them. Even she felt shocked by the results. Taking the plastic cup from Celinda's hands, Selina checked the few tests and saw positive results. Her eyes widened and blinked multiple times.

"C..Celinda..." Selina's words slurred.

"En..." Celinda nodded, facing Selina's astonished face.

"You're pregnant too?!!! Do we have two pregnant ladies??? Oh my...Did we buy the right tests?" Selina triple-checked the pregnancy test packagings to make sure they didn't purchase the fake pregnancy tests by mistake. "Odd, these tests are fine. W..Wait, so are these tests accurate? Is today pregnant day or something? Everyone is pregnant!"