Watching From Afar 2

Tears illuminated trails on her face, leaving residues behind as it dried. She looked at the man whose face resembled an angel's peacefulness. "I know. I know what you thought of me. But if you think about it carefully, there were many times where I didn't have to tell you things related to my missions. I did it because it implicated people you loved and cared for. I didn't want to be the person who would upset you. Still, I failed at the end, didn't I?"

"Back then, you wore the most vibrant smile on your face when you talked about the girl you loved. To me, the words you spoke were needles to my chest, prickling an open wound that can't be sewn closed. I heard the greatest things and the most detailed ones you noticed about her. I envy her for having your love, but never harbored any ill intentions towards her."

She straightened his arm and tucked it under the blanket. "Present me and past me still have the same goal. I want to protect you and give you freedom from your father. I know how much he wanted you to succeed in his place, but I also know how unwilling you are. So, while I may seem like the smallest ant in his eyes, I will still use the power I have to protect you."

Wiping the last drip of tear from her eyelash, she smudged the salted water between her fingertips. "Perhaps only when you're asleep like this could I gather my courage and tell you all this. If you were awake, then I won't have the strength to tell you anything. Useless, but it's okay. This is a decision I made, so I'll take the responsibility for whatever comes my way."

"Just for tonight. I'll let myself cry in front of you. After tonight, everything will return back to normal." She whispered before tucking him in. Walking away from the bed, she grabbed a pillow and extra blanket. She took another glance at him before arranging the couch for herself. That night, she stayed wide awake.

- At Laurina Hotel at Country X -

"Mom, I'm pregnant. You and dad are going to be grandparents." Celinda's drowsy voice made her originally lazy tone sound extra draining.

"D...Dear! Dear!!!" Mother Hui dropped the slice of tangerine she had in her hands and called out to her husband who was in the middle of taking a shower. "Dear!!!!!" She tilted the phone on the coffee table and ran towards the restroom. Since Father Hui had a habit of leaving his door unlocked during his showers, Mother Hui barged right into the bathroom.

"What is it?!" He was enjoying the hot water raining from above his head when he heard his wife screaming for him. Right when he was about to grab his towel to run out, she already dashed right in and pulled the sliding doors open.

Her eyes widened in astonishment. The smile on her face sat like a clown's smile on her face, making him cringe for a second. "I said, what's wrong? Did you see a roach or something?" He asked once again while hugging his body with his arms and squeezing his legs together.

She waved her hand up and down. "Why are you so shy? I've seen you from head to toe, butt naked to the moon and back. After being married for ages and now you know how to be shy? Right! Dear!!!! Ahhhh!!! We're taking the next flight back!! We're going to be grandparents!!! Ahhh!!!" Mother Hui stomped her feet several times on the carpet.

"W...Wait... Hold...Grandparents? You and me? As in you the grandmother and I the grandfather? Like legit grandparents?" Stunned by the most sudden news he has heard in a while, his mouth left agape. His finger pointed back and forth from himself to his wife. He asked, "What date is today?"

"Huh? How many ways can we become grandparents? Of course, I am the grandmother! What? Do you think you have the ability to give birth to your precious children? Or did you have breast milk to raise them? Or maybe you wishfully thought of being a grandmother, then I wouldn't mind being the grandfather. And today is April 1st. Why?" She really wanted to crack his head open at the moment, but the news of being a grandmother tossed everything in her mind aside.

"Hah! Woman! Lady! You can't trick me! It's April Fools today! You can't trick me into thinking I'll be a grandpa. Nuh-uh. No chance." He grinned with his hands on his hips, looking quite prideful at the moment.

Folding her arms against her chest, Mother Hui arched her eyebrow. "My dearest husband, where are we right now?"

"Country X." He replied instantly.

"Then you should recall the time difference between where we are and our children's side. Plus, why would Celinda call us just to tell us a joke about this?" She nearly rolled her eyes when she heard her husband's words.

"Wait, then it's no longer April fools on their end! That means...I'm going to be a grandfather! You'll be a grandmother!!! Oh my goodness! My precious princess is going to be a mother! Holy! There's no time to shower anymore. Let's pack and leave!" He grabbed Mother Hui's hand and ran out to the living room.

"Where are we going?" Mother Hui covered her mouth, purposely not reminding him about his nakedness.

"The airport! We can order tickets on our way! Buy those seats with triple the price or something, I don't care!" He declared, but his wife didn't budge from where she stood.

"Sir, may I remind you that you no longer have any packs to show off? You're not young and you don't even have a towel around your waist. Exactly what are you trying to show off to the audience in the hotel and streets? Do you think you'll be able to get out of this country without getting arrested for exposing nudity in public?" She pointed to his private area with no shame at all.

"Whoops! Wait! You don't have the camera on right?" He looked around and noticed her phone was on the coffee table. Taking a deep breath, he wiped his forehead and was glad he didn't flash his body in front of his daughter.

On speaker, Celinda announced. "Dad! Even though I don't have the cameras showing what you're doing, I heard every word you and mom just said. My mother says you got no packs. Are you going to let her trample your body that way?! What happened to lifting weights and other exercises?" Celinda teased as her parents ran around to pack their luggage.