Be Careful!

Two weeks later, Selina arrived at work just as usual. The second the elevator door opened, Selina looked up from her phone and smiled at the familiar figure in front of her office.

"Good morning, Lia! How was your mini break?" If her tone was a level higher, she would sound like a squealing fangirl seeing her favorite idol for the first time. Selina leisurely walked forward and stopped at the desk right by her office door.

"Good Morning, Selina. The break was good. I rested a lot and thought about a lot of things. Thank you for your advice." Lia rubbed her stomach lovingly, her gaze softened as it landed on her flat abdomen. It was a simple and natural action that nobody would find it awkward.

"Good for you! I didn't do much. I only listened and told you my opinion on that matter. Whether you accept it or not is your choice. I am glad you thought it through. Oh, right. There isn't much to do today. I will be reviewing some documents before my friends come to visit me. I've already told the front desk to let them in when they arrive, so you don't have to do much today."

Selina revealed a bright smile as she noticed the change in Lia's expression compared to two weeks before. "All you need to do is check your emails. If you encounter any problems, just come to me. Don't stress yourself out when you have a shoulder to lean on. Remember, I am your boss, I am your backup. I am also your ally, your teammate."

"Mm." Lia nodded, expressing her agreement. 'But to me..You are already my friend. You are someone I must protect. I will protect. This time, it is not for Antonio, but for myself. If anyone wants to harm you, they'll have to get rid of me first. And it seems like today...might be the last time..' Lia thought silently to herself while maintaining a smile.

Seeing that Lia understood her words, Selina waved casually and walked into her office. Lia only sat down after Selina's office door closed. As soon as Lia sat down on her chair, she felt an alarming vibration from her pocket.

She sighed, knowing who the sender was. Still, she didn't dare to delay checking her notifications. Pulling out her phone from her pocket, she read the message. The smile on her face straightened into a thin line. Her fingers turned cold while her expression turned grim. The happiness she experienced just minutes ago faded.

Once again, she motioned her head downwards and looked at her abdomen. Her fingertips trembled slightly as she lightly stroked it. 'Baby, mommy will try my best to protect the both of us. With you around, mommy won't lose. Mommy has never been afraid of anything before, but now, mommy is really scared of losing you. You must be strong and support mommy.'

Her vision blurred as certain thoughts clouded her mind. To prevent tears from coming out, she closed her eyes and leaned her head back onto her chair. 'Let's hope this is over soon.' She pulled out a tissue from the tissue box on her desk and swiftly dabbed her eyes to get rid of the wetness around her eyes.

After taking a deep breath, she tossed the used tissue into the trash bin by her desk and proceeded with her work.

At 12 p.m., a few familiar figures arrived in front of Lia's desk. Recognizing each of their faces, Lia revealed a polite smile and greeted them.

"Hello, Lia! How are you today? We're here to visit Selina." Celinda was the first to greet Lia before Lia greeted them.

"Hi Lia!" Everyone else stopped speaking about the topic they've been discussing about and focused on Lia.

"Good Afternoon, everyone. It is nice meeting all of you again. Selina said you can enter her office when you get here. Let me know what you would like to drink and have as a snack. I will order it for you." Lia went ahead and knocked on Selina's door.

As soon as she received Selina's permission to enter, she opened the door and announced the arrival of Selina's friends. "Selina, your friends are here."

"Great!! Have them come in. Perfect timing, I just finished reviewing this long document." Selina flicked the pen out of her hand and closed the document on her desk. She nearly hopped out of her chair when she heard that everyone arrived.

"Selina!" The girls giggled as they walked into her office one after another.

"You guys are finally here! Oh my goodness, I was so bored at work. Being a CEO is not fun at all." Selina opened up her arms and skipped her way to the crowd.

"Be careful!" Lia suddenly spouted and rushed over to move one of the chairs out of Selina's way. If Selina continued moving forward, she would have bumped right into the chair's arm.

Selina reacted slowly and only realized what Lia meant after seeing her gesture. "Oh, thank you. Lia is so attentive. Ah! What did I do in my past life to find such a great secretary? But Lia, you should be more careful yourself before worrying about me. I'm fine anyways. At most, I will get a bruise here and there."

She waved her hand in the air as if an extra bruise would cause her little to no harm. However, in the back of Lia's mind, Lia was whispering her inner thoughts. 'Yeah, if it was under normal conditions a bruise would be just a bruise. But right now, you can't risk it.'

Lia nodded silently, giving a quick glance at Selina's stomach before extracting her gaze to somewhere else. After everyone settled down on the couch area, Lia jotted down their requests for food and drinks.

"Oh, right. Selina, you want your milk tea right? Since your friends are also here today, I will make your milk tea in a teapot. This way, I can use a teapot warmer to keep your portion at a warm temperature. You can blow out the candle out when you're finished with it." Lia suggested.

"Sure! It's so great to have you here. Ah, I'm loving all your suggestions!" Selina agreed while bobbing her head up and down.

"Then, please wait for me to bring you your orders." Lia said, heading out of the office.