Lia's Letter

After Antonio left the room, Selina also retrieved her phone and quickly dialed Lia's number. Unfortunately, her calls never got through to Lia. It was always forwarded to automated voicemail.

"Why isn't she picking up? Is she alright?" Selina kept dialing the same number, but nobody ever picked up. As she frowned in dismay, she also studied the change in her parents and Jason's expressions.

"Are you guys hiding something from me?" Selina asked.

"Actually, you don't have to call Lia anymore. When you were being examined earlier, she spoke to us and confessed that she was the one who used regular milk in your milk tea. She apologized sincerely and bowed to us as well. She is not going to come back to the company. She resigned herself and left you a personal letter. We knew you would want to see her when you wake up, so Jason brought the letter from your office for you."

Eric was the one who explained everything to Selina. While Selina remained indifferent, her fists subconsciously tightened on the blanket. Jason took out the letter that Lia left for Selina to read and handed it to her.

Calmly, Selina unfolded the white paper in her hand and started reading the content.


"Hi Selina. By the time you read this letter, I've probably gone far away already. Don't worry about me. I promise you I will take good care of myself and my baby. Thank you for everything you've ever done for me. Your kindness, generosity and eagerness to help me really moved me deeply. You were the first person to treat me with such kindness. Truly, thank you for making the last few months a joyful experience for me. Through you, I've met great people and smiled a lot.

I owe you a lot. So, I've decided to tell you everything through this format. Allow me to apologize to you for not having the courage to say goodbye face to face. I am always a decisive person, but I can't face parting with people. If there was a way for me to ensure my baby's safety, I would have stay. However, it is impossible. I know Master Liam very well.

I've never told anyone about myself. I mean - my real background. I told you I was an orphan, that part was true. I had no family. Ever since I was young, I was taken in by Master Liam, whom trained me strictly in a devil's hellhole. It was a brutal survival cage, and I was taught to only obey his trainings. His words were an emperor's command. If I didn't do what he wanted or failed a mission, I would suffer greatly.

Perhaps because I never experienced familial love, I craved for it for the longest. Still, it seems like at the end, I fail to give my baby what I've strongly wished for either. Anyway, I've been trained to go on missions as young as five years old. And there, I've also met someone I've long loved. Of course, this person never loved me. Quite a joke, isn't it?

I won't dwell on the details of what I did and when I did certain things, but there were many occasions where I secretly helped save people instead of harming them. And secretly, I've protected you as well. You can even say I was my own spy working under Master Liam. But fate really loves to troll people. I've tried avoiding any contacts with you, yet I ended up getting placed into your company. I did what I had to do to protect the ones I loved and cared for. It was so much that I...forgot to put myself anywhere on my priorities list.

Please believe me when I tell you that I really didn't mean to harm you. I really regret changing lactaid milk to regular milk and having to make you go through so much pain. I'm really really sorry for doing that. As much as I wished to stay, I knew my peaceful work days were growing shorter and shorter.

Finally, I received my most recent mission, which was to add a black pill to your drink. Although I am unsure of the pill's effect, I knew it was not something good. I was held captive for two weeks before I was released to perform this mission. I admit I am also selfish because I was thinking for myself and my baby.

When I was making your milk tea, I used a teapot that I had previously purchased for fun. It had a unique function where it had a hidden section that was wide enough to fit a pill. Unless the floral pattern was pressed on specific spots, the hidden section will not be activated. And the only way to get you out of this situation was for me to change the lactaid milk to regular milk.

This way, you will have stomach cramps and use the bathroom. Only then, will it look like your body is rejecting the pill. At the same time, it will protect you from the black pill. After you guys left for the hospital, I reactivated the function in the teapot and let the black pill release into the milk tea. Someone from the organization took the milk tea to a lab for inspection.

Once again, I truly apologize to you for making you go through all this pain. I didn't want to hurt you, yet I still did in my own way. I was under someone's watch and could not tell you the truth. While struggling internally, I only came up with this solution. I am really sorry. I know it may be hard to trust me anymore, and I know I deserve it even if you don't trust me anymore after this.

Thank you for listening to me and being there for me when I really needed someone there. Thank you for persuading me to keep my baby and telling me that my baby is innocent. If it weren't for you, I think I will regret things even more. Thank you for being the first to trust me and reach out a helping hand to me. I really appreciate you.

I've always wanted a family, but never had a chance to make any of my dreams come true. I only wish to give my baby everything I have now. During the rough times, it was you. It was your kind smile and caring words that brought warmth to my heart. You taught me that I am worth being treasured. And you brought light to my dark world. Meeting you is the most wonderful thing I've ever had happened in my life. That's why I must leave before Master Liam comes after you.

Because I can never hurt you or anyone actually. Acting as a villain is really tiring, especially to people I care for. At the same time, I can't allow my baby to suffer either. If I didn't have this baby, I would be protecting you with all I have no matter what. So, please forgive me for my selfishness. I can only tell you about Master Liam being the mastermind behind all these incidents. I've told my group of people to keep an eye on Master Liam's moves and protect you and your family.

If you ever need their help, just text to my number and they will meet you at a set location. Please take care. If possible, I would love to come back one day...and perhaps if at that time you are willing, maybe we can be friends. If possible, will you be my friend?

Warmly, Lia."

After reading the letter, Selina brought it close to her chest. Her lips trembled as she muttered, "idiot. I've long treated as my friend. You are my friend. I trust you. How could you be this silly?"