I.... (Number 1 + 2 part 3)

"If this was your last wish and I am letting you touch my abs on your final breath, isn't that spoiling you? Besides, when you were healthy, didn't I let you do whatever you wanted? When have I stopped you from what you wished to do? I've done quite well in other areas." Sometimes he wondered if he could ever prevent her from doing anything dangerous.

"And what will you do without me? It'll be boring without me bugging you at all times." She couldn't imagine him with another woman.

"Who says you'll die alone? But anyway, the chances of you dying the way you wrote your death is low. If you don't die and end up paralyzed, I'll take care of you for the rest of your life." He looked at her intently, not letting any expression of hers leave his sight. "Whether you're healthy or ill, I'll be by your side to look after you. I'll protect you and take care of you. That's my promise to you."

"Man, what are you talking about out of nowhere? You should be my meat cushion if I fall to protect me. And you just spiked from least romantic to most romantic..." She looked away to avoid facing her feelings.

"This isn't out of nowhere. It's what you've been avoiding. I'm not joking when I told you all these words. I promised you, and I will repeat these words as many times as you need. I don't just look after any random girl, remember that." He reminded her without saying the things he's done for her.

There was no need to list out the things he had done for her out loud. This was because she also knew about it herself. Deep down, she was afraid. Even though she could act carefreely around him and speak without a care of her thoughts, she knew that some words still weighed in his heart.

She looked up at him, nervously clenching the blanket in her palms. "I..."

"You don't have to answer me right now. When you are ready, you can say it. I'll be here, but I just want you to know that I do not casually kiss or let a girl kiss me whenever she wants. I also don't protect just anyone who are close to me. I don't hug nor care for others randomly. Everything I did and am doing right now is because I love you. I hope you can overcome your fear and give our relationship a chance."

Once again, Number 1 made a confession to her. At the moment, their relationship was not confirmed. Although others viewed them as a couple, only he knew how insecure he was deep down until the day she admits their relationship. But he would still respect her.

"It's getting late. You should try sleeping again. I will be here." He opened the book and focused on the pictures that were printed in them.

This time, she quietly and obediently lied in bed. Turning her body to the side where she could observe the man who was obviously distracted by the pictures in the book and not the words, she couldn't help but feel the heaviness in her chest. She didn't realize her absentminded expression made him smile.

He saw that she was still awake after half an hour. "Close your eyes and don't think too much into it. It's bad to sleep late with your health condition. Remember, we are no longer at that vulnerable age and I am not as weak as the boy you knew. I'm strong and capable. Rest well."

His voice seemed to ease whatever that was in her mind. She slowly drifted to deep slumber where she dreamt of a time when they were both just kids.

[Their mini story]

At the age of four, both of them witnessed the death of their loved ones and the whole process of their village being wiped out. They never understood why they were taken by the mysterious group of killers. At first, they thought they would be killed or sold by those who took them away. Then, they realized what was awaiting them.

After the tragic incident, they were locked up in a dark, windowless cell with many other children. Days became months as they adapted to the environment. However, there were no such things as friendship in this place.

During the day, children were trained with sharp weapons and taught to be the next generation killer. If one was weak, one wouldn't survive this brutal arena. Why? Because the first lesson they learned was that there is no ally.

Number 1 and Number 2 did not interact with each other. Perhaps it was because they joined on the same day, they had a tacit understanding of each other through a simple gesture. During the first month they slept, trained and ate in this place, Number 2 always saw two girls holding hands and helping each other out. They seemed to be the only ones who were unaffected by the training.

One night, a life threatening scream woke everyone up in the cell. The image vividly stuck to Number 2's head as she witnessed how one of the two girls stabbed a pencil into the friend's ear canal. As she murdered her one and only friend, that girl was smiling. The guards stood outside the door, recording the situation inside. None of them entered.

After the girl died, the guards walked in and cleaned up the spot that used to belong to the girl. It was as if she had never existed. A speaker announced proudly and wickedly that the child who had just killed her friend has now upgraded to a higher level cell.

This incident alarmed everyone living in the cell. Nobody dared to fall asleep from then on. They were afraid that they would end up like that girl and never wake up again. Number 2 was tremendously traumatized and suffered severe insomnia. Seeing her condition worsening, Number 1 changed his bed position one night and slept next to her.

He whispered, "sleep. I'll guard you. We'll take turns guarding each other."

For some reason, Number 2 lowered her guard against him and trusted his words. There were a few times where she would wake up and find him staring into space. This became their routine as they continued their days being trained and controlled by the group.

From different missions to taking punishments, they grew up by each other's side. It wasn't until they met Lia that they found their hope out of this organization. And she was also the one who helped them save others.

[End of past]