Hidden Away Under the Pond

"Why did you agree to go?" Rainmist asked. Her eyelashes fluttered.

"I've always been curious about the insides of the dungeon. This is a good excuse for me to go," Spring-Autumn. His green eyes glowed, "Besides, I'm a lot stronger now, aren't I?"

A swirl of mana surrounded his body.

"When are you leaving?"

"Right now,"

Rainmist's body shook. "Why the hurry?"

"My curiosity is not letting me wait," He replied with a soft smile.

He took a step forward and hugged Rainmist's tender body. He could smell her unique fragrance that was like flowers. "Stay safe, and wait for my return,"

Rainmist closed her eyes and gave him a peck on the lips. "Those are my words. Come back safely,"

Spring-Autumn smiled and left. His figure departed and vanished into the night. Rainmist watched his disappearing figure.

There was more of a sense of loneliness than worry. This was from the trust she had in him. She was confident in his abilities. It was a certainty that he would return. The question was how long it would take.

Spring-Autumn arrived at the wall. Without any lag in movement, he directly jumped over the wall that was the height of a skyscraper. The Attribute Cloak began to transform into something similar to a pair of wings and he glided over the grassy plains.

He could feel the cold air scraping against his face. It was a refreshing feeling. This feeling brought back some memories.

He recalled the time he was kicked out of the underground base. That time, he felt anger. But more so than that, it was curiosity. He wanted to fully explore this new world. That anger and bitter feeling he felt quickly vanished and was replaced by a stronger curiosity. He was moving with his heart. To survive, to explore, to learn more.

His heart eventually led him to this place. His hometown. He finally realized why he came back. Watching the interactions between Blue and Rainmist, he began to have certain expectations of what a family should be. It was something new to him. Along the way, he picked up Rainmist. Not just for her beauty, but also for the expectation he was craving.

In the end, he arrived at Diamond City. The expectation was still in place. Human nature was especially rampant when the world was in such a chaotic state. Today, he received his answer. His expectations were not true. He had come to a decision.

Having wasted enough time on this pointless thought, it was time to leave soon. He would no longer hold any value to his family. It was time to become free.

The tall grass of the plains was coming into view. Spring-Autumn noticed a strange sight. There was a small pond hidden in the grass.

"It's glowing?"

That was the reason why he was able to see it from such a large distance away. The Attribute Cloak was adjusted closer to his body and he began to descend.

Spring-Autumn's figure spiraled straight down from the sky, landing on the ground with a loud sound. He was not dizzy in the slightest due to his high stats.

He approached the pond. The pond was not very large, only enough to fit about 10 people. Finally, he was able to see the reason why it's glowing.

There was a large hole under the pond. Shockingly enough, there was a huge underground area under the pond! The light from all the minerals and various objects were leaking out through the pond due to the hole.

Spring-Autumn coated his entire body in a thin layer of mana and drove into the hole. It was a dazzling sight once he entered the hole.

It was like there was a whole world underground that was hidden away. There were various fire spirits floating around. Off the walls were large ledges that acted as a platform that was full of lush green grass. Various flowers were growing near the grass that was glowing. Purple flowers that emitted purple light, yellow flowers that emitted yellow light, red flowers that emitted red light.

It created a colorful world underground. The water from the pond acted as a waterfall that flowed all the way to the bottom, so far down that he could not see what was below. The pond was extremely magical to not run out of water when it acted as a waterfall at the same time.

Spring-Autumn scooped up the water with his hand and the familiar blue window finally popped up.

[Water of Endlessness]

With the hand that was holding the water, he extended it out and it flowed down, but it never ran out. He flipped his hand back up, and the water stopped flowing. It remained in the exact same amount that he scooped it up at.

"I found a treasure!"

Spring-Autumn immediately started to store a good amount of water into his cloak. He jumped onto a ledge that was practically a platform due to its large size to reposition his body.

"I'll come back here later,"

His body shot out of the pond. Outside, the pond remained as dazzling as ever. He could see glimpses of the underground world through the hole.

Discoveries like this were the reason why he could not stop being curious about this world. There were endless possibilities for what was possible. One day, he would unravel every mystery!

Spring-Autumn jumped back into the sky and returned to gliding. The detour did not take much time and very quickly, the dungeon was in sight.

In the night, the portal to the dungeon stuck out like a sore thumb. There was a huge amount of light that was being emitted from it that covered an entire area. The rocks that surrounded the portal appeared to be holy under this light.

The surrounding grass remained under darkness. Only the territory of the portal was lit up. Above the portal, the [Suppression Sword] was no longer there.

"Did someone take it?" Spring-Autumn was shocked but did not think too much of it. He had something of the same caliber, the [Attribute Cloak], and was able to take it easily. It was not too strange that someone was able to take the sword. He couldn't help but think of how severely injured he became when he tried to touch the sword.

Spring-Autumn stood in front of the portal that was about the size of a minotaur. There was a slight sucking force that pulled him in but he stood his ground.

First, he put one foot in. It was a strange sensation like being enveloped in water. He pulled his foot out. Next, he put one hand in. It was the same sensation. He pulled his hand out. Without thinking too much, he put his head in but forced his body to remain outside.

He could see the interior of the portal. It was practically a cave embedded with some lights. He looked around and finally put his whole body in.

[Dungeon: Suppression Tomb]

He was inside the dungeon.