Inside the Pond

Spring-Autumn and Rainmist stood at the edge of their ledge. The sound of the waterfall constantly filled their ears.

A wind spirit flew around gently and landed on Rainmist's shoulder. Rainmist laughed and held the wind spirit in her palm. Just like the fire spirit, it was just a glowing ball of light that was green in color. The green color swirled around and switched in shades constantly. It fitted snugly in her palm.

Spring-Autumn leaned over to her palm and ate the wind spirit.


"No taste…" Spring-Autumn made a remark.

"Why'd you do that?" Raimist slapped Spring-Autumn playfully.

The surrounding wind spirits that were falling down changed directions and scurried away like children.

"Let's go down,"

Under the pond was a seemingly bottomless hole. The water flowed down endlessly down the hole and it was unknown what was down there. The ledge they were on was just a small part of this pit.

"Do you know what's down there?"

"Nope. So let's find out,"

Spring-Autumn grabbed Rainmist by the waist and jumped down to the next ledge. This ledge was smaller than the first one that they were standing on. The surface was still covered with luscious green grass and colorful flowers.

There was a pretty flower among the field of flowers that stood out. It was pure white in color with a touch of green in the middle. The area around the flower seemed to lit up in a holy radiance.

Spring-Autumn went over to the flower and plucked it. The fresh smell of flowers filled his ears as he stood in the field of flowers. He went back to Rainmist and placed the flower over one of her ears.

"Now you're prettier," Spring-Autumn smiled with a cheeky grin.

Rainmist touched the flower and said happily, "Feeling daring aren't you?"

Despite her words, she appeared to be very happy with the flower. She did not take it off. Her pale skin was complimented by the pale radiance of the flower while at the same time contrasting her black hair and eyes.

They jumped through several more fields of flower ledges, enjoying the scenery around them. Despite being underground, it was not very dark. The flowers and the surrounding elemental spirits lit up the whole area like it was daytime.

The deeper they went underground, the more colorful it became. At this point, the grass was not just a simple green. It had a wonderful auroric aura around it. Every blade of grass sparkled with a rainbow sprinkle.

There was a pond at the ledge they were standing on. The color of the water was not a clear color, but a light green-purple color. While it doesn't sound very pretty in words, it was very pretty in person.

Spring-Autumn went over to the water and took a sip. "How refreshing!"

"Aren't you scared of dying from eating everything you see?" Rainmist nervously sweated.

"I haven't died yet, so it's okay," Spring-Autumn gave a thumbs up. "Try some of this water,"

Rainmist did not doubt Spring-Autumn's words and with reluctance, she scooped up the water with her hand and took a sip. Her eyes lit up as a response, "What a refreshing water!"

"Why don't we rest here for now?" Spring-Autumn suggested.

Rainmist agreed without a problem. It was mostly Spring-Autumn carrying her around in this place anyway. She was not tired but it was nice to take a break.

Inside the pond, there were a couple of small fishes. They resembled kois and had a black and white pattern that was perfectly symmetrical.

[Knowledge Fish]

Spring-Autumn was squatting by the pond and observing these fish curiously. When he reached his hand inside to fish one out, it hurriedly swam away.

The pond was not very deep and everything inside could be seen despite the water being a green-purple rainbow color. Spring-Autumn took his shoes off and rolled his pants up before dipping his feet into the water. The cool feeling of dipping one's feet in the water refreshed his mind.

"Why don't you join me?" Spring-Autumn invited Rainmist who was playing with wind spirits at the side.

A couple of wind spirits were lingering around her body as she walked over.

"Okay," She agreed as she swept her hair back with one hand. In no time, she was next to him with her feet in the water.

In this underground world, there were just the two of them. They could still hear the sound of the flowing waterfall behind them. The water they were in would occasionally ripple from the fishes playing with one another. They were sitting on a grassy field that was not like others. It was a peaceful enjoyment that could not be replicated.

Rainmist leaned her head on his shoulders. He could smell her familiar smell of iris flowers. A bit of her cleavage was exposed from this angle while the water reached all the way up to the top of her smooth calves. Spring-Autumn couldn't help but place his arm around her shoulders. They could feel the warmth of each other this way.

A turtle floated over. It was not very big in size but like other things in this underground world, it was magical in appearance. There seemed to be a rainbow hue that was etched onto its body. The only problem was that it was upside down. The shell was in the water while its lower body was struggling to flip itself over which led to it floating over to Spring-Autumn and Rainmist.

Spring-Autumn laughed at the stupid turtle while Rainmist giggled at its cuteness. Feeling generous, she flipped the turtle over which led to it sinking all the way to the bottom of the pond. It gave the two a mean look and swam away.

[Knowledge Turtle]

"Let's have a picnic!" Rainmist suggested.

Spring-Autumn had stored various types of monster meat in his cloak prior to coming here. "Sure,"

They got out of the water while Rainmist went off to prepare the food. Soon enough, two servings of sandwiches were ready.

They sat next to each other while facing the waterfall to enjoy their meal. Experiences like this were the reason why Spring-Autumn was eager to explore the world.