The Mountains

Mt. Stupid became the projection of Shen's ideals. It was the place for endless inspiration that would eventually render one useless, no longer being able to think for themself. The longer one stayed on Mt. Stupid, the more "inspired" they would become. This would naturally breed arrogance in one's abilities, causing one to no longer improve.

If the world changed people, Shen would rather it be him who changed them. The moment one's arrogance is realized, they would despair and seek the Temple of Enlightenment. This was his, Shen's ideals.

Inside the Temple of Enlightenment, Shen's eyes became calm, and serene like water. He knew what he was doing was not right, imposing his views on others. It was disgusting, making him feel sick to the stomach. But this was the nature of humans. This was what he wanted.

Outside the boundaries of Mt. Stupid was a mountainous terrain. Compared to the Mt. Stupid Spring-Autumn and Rainmist had just left, Mt. Stupid was like a child compared to these peaks in front of them.

These peaks pierced through the sky, and into the clouds. There were patches of green that decorated the mountains, but it was mostly blue stones that composed the terrain. Far away, one could even see a giant waterfall from one of the highest peaks. It looked otherworldly and reminded one of a gateway to heaven.

"Woah!" Rainmist and Spring-Autumn both let out surprised wows at the sight.

Spring-Autumn couldn't help but break into a run, jumping at the height of a quarter of the mountain in front of them in one go.


After regaining his youthful body, Spring-Autumn felt more lively than ever. His laughs echoed through the mountains. When he landed, a spiderweb crack formed below his feet.

Standing on a nearby cliff of the place he just landed on, he yelled at the far away Rainmist, "Come here!"

The sight of Spring-Autumn yelling like a child from far away amused Rainmist. "What was that? I couldn't hear you!" She yelled back.

Hearing her response, Spring-Autumn started doing incomprehensible hand signs to signal her over.

"Okay, I'll go over!"

This was a great chance for Rainmist to try out her new skill. She aimed at a boulder on the same cliff Spring-Autumn was standing on.

Having an ability was like having an extra finger. It became almost an instinctual feeling to use.


She felt a slight feeling of dizziness and found herself in a different place.

"Here I am," Her lips lifted up for a smile, feeling proud of herself.

"That was pretty cool," Spring-Autumn praised.

"Of course, hehe."

With that light exchange done with, they began to explore their surroundings and continued making their way to Cana City. Cana City was the nearest city to Diamond city. The distance between the two is not very far but due to the mountains that stood between the two, a detour was usually required to get to Cana City.

After the great change, the distance between the two had increased considerably. However, with the supernatural boons that were granted to humans, the mountains that stood in the way was no longer a significant problem.

And why were they going to Cana City you may ask? Since Cana City was the nearest one to Diamond City without many others nearby and Sirius had already left, by process of elimination, he should be at the nearby cities. After Shadow escaped from Sirius's clutches, he arrived at Diamond City most likely because it was the most nearby shelter. As such, it was the most likely probability for Sirius to be at Cana City.

"And if he's not at Cana City, it's fine since we're out here for an adventure anyway, right? We have all the time in the world to look for him, and I'm sure he's looking for me, too." Spring-Autumn finished the rest of the explanation to Rainmist, who asked earlier.

They've ventured quite the distance into the mountains, walking along cliffs and into valleys. Right ahead in front of them was a nice spot of grass, hidden in the valley. There was a large tree with unknown fruits growing out of it and a small pond by the grass. It was the perfect resting spot.

Spring-Autumn took a second to blink and found Rainmist already standing at the spot. By his side, was a small pebble that had replaced Rainmist.

"You're slow, old man!" Rainmist yelled over from the other side.

Spring-Autumn chuckled and broke into a run, appearing in front of her in no time. "Old man has arrived."

It was these small interactions that made the adventure enjoyable. Spring-Autumn wanted to explore the world and uncover mysteries while Rainmist was finding a reason to move on. Their relationship could be considered a sort of codependence.

Spring-Autumn took off his [Attribute Cloak] and laid it on the grass for them to sit on. Under the cover of the tree, it felt like they were on a picnic.

Rainmist did not sit down right away but took the time to go over to the pond to feel the water.

"It's cold!" She exclaimed.

Spring-Autumn came by her side to take a peek at the water. Without thinking too much, he scooped up the crystal clear water and took a sip.

The clear taste of the water refreshed Spring-Autumn's mind.

"Tastes like water." He remarked.

Rainmist followed his lead and took a sip before washing her face, letting out a slow sigh. A few water droplets lingered on her dark hair before falling down into her deep cleavage. It was quite the arousing sight.

"Shall we eat something?" Rainmist asked.

"Mhm, maybe we could try out those fruits?" Spring-Autumn suggested.


They returned to Spring-Autumn's cloak. When Spring-Autumn grabbed the fruits from the tree, a familiar blue panel showed up.


It was small and cluttered together like a bundle of grapes and resembled the shape of blackberries. Spring-Autumn hid his smirk and asked, "Shall we?"