Meeting Gary

It was early the next day that I was woken up by Eevee and Frokie, I decided to get the Professor to give them a check-up and then I planned to use a Pokeball on them, just so they were registered as mine.

As I picked up the two adorable Pokemon and walked out of my room and towards the lab, I heard someone knocking at the door, as I put Eevee and Frokie down and answered the door, I was greeted by a face that was all to familiar to me.

He had large spiky brown hair and wore a blue shirt and black pants with a necklace around his neck.

It was that God damn asshole Gary

"Who are you?" I asked, trying to play dumb about who we was, "Im Garh my grandpa is professor Oak, who are you?" he asked.

I could have said 'none of you business' but I didn't as I don't want to upset Professor Oak "Im new to pallet town, your grandpa is letting me stay here while I set up a farm, he's helping me get the materials and is even giving me a small part of the paddock out back to me to use" I explained to the arrogant twirp.

"well can you let me in, I need to talk to him about getting my Pokemon" he said as he pushed past me and went towards the lab.

"arrogant prick" I whispered to my self as I followed him with Eevee and Frokie following behind me.

As I entered the lab after Gary I saw Professor Oak on his terminal again sorting through data, by this time he had a small red box attached to the terminal, it as a Pokedex.

"Gramps, I want to get my Pokemon now" said Gary is his signature asshole voice "Sorry Gary, but you know the deal, water till the end of the week and getyou Pokemon with the others" said Professor Oak, not even looking up from his terminal.

"But Gramps, it's not like they'll become stronger than me so why not give me mine now!" he argued in a whiny voice, it was here that Professor Oak turned to look at Gary "Gary you have to learn not to be so arrogant, you don't know if the others would become better than you, and besides that's not why I am giving you a Pokemon, I'm giving you one to care for, not to train mercilessly just to be strong" said Oak as he turned back to his terminal.

After a few more back and forth Gary left, or more like stormed out like a baby.

"August it's nice to see you up, it seems that the eggs hatched, I presume you want me to give them a check up?" he asked as he got up from the terminal and examined he two Pokemon "I see, a Shiny Eevee and a Frokie from he Kalos region" he whispered to himself as he picked up the Pokemon and carried them over to a pair of small scanning platforms.

After the scanning Professor Oak then read out the results "well, they seem healthy, nothing wrong with them as far as I can tell, in fact, they seem to be in perfect condition" he said with a smile "thank Doc, also, I gotta list" I said as ai pulled it out of my pocket handing it over to the professor "if it seems like there aren't many on there, it's because I plan of getting the rest of them from the forest sound the area" I explained.

"well that actually a good thing, I couldn't have gotten too many from my friend anyway, so this makes it a lot easier," he said as he pocketed the list "I've already taken the liberty of fencing off a large area at the edge of the paddock for you, it should be big enough for you to do whatever it is you need," he said as he unplugged the Pokedex from the terminal "I also wanted to give you this, it's a prototype of a machine called a Pokedex, it is a digital encyclopedia of Pokemon, I thought it would help you with raising the Pokemon on your farm, speaking of which I wanted to know if I could get opskem of the hung you plan of producing in the farm from you, I'll pay of course, I just need some berries to make food for the Pokemon at the lab you can never have too much Pokemon food on hand when your dealing with so many pokemon" he explained.

"of course, you my benefactor so I was going to offer you some anyway" and like that I got my first customer.

Now I just need to start with producing the produce.