Chapter Five: Date Pleasure (2)

After I took a bath and eat breakfast. I already went out towards our meeting place.

Not long after I arrive at the cafè and grab a coffee, I could see some girls shoot me with provocative gaze. But I simply ignore them as I continued to wait for Qing'er. To begin with, I have strict rules to follow for myself: One girl is enough to ignite my lust, and at the same time carved the pleasure.

It's necessary to have loads of girls bathing you up, isn't it? If you ask me, then I would give myself a simple one word, and that's a big 'No'. Well, my Qing'er is already a beautiful and enchanting woman I ever seen in my entire life, so I'm satisfied having her by my side; Although, I had threatened her.

Cough, Cough... Let's not talk about this, and wait for Qing'er. Currently, I was already seated myself in the seat as I laid my eyes on the door.

It didn't take 30 minutes when a charming woman on her 20 or so age stepped inside the cafè. At the same time, her matura fragrance engulfed the place as the majority of the people look at her with a thought flying around.

As for me, I gulped down. Today, from distance, I could see that she was wearing a pink-strapped dress embodied by flowery symbols and just her high-heel sandals steps, it would feel as if everything besides her dyed up as her two towering-breast shakes up. "Truly beautiful." I thought.

I rose from my seat as I walk towards her. Then with a smile and a kiss on her left hand, I gently said. "It's nice to meet you, my lady."

"Shall we?" She grabs my hand and intimately wraps her two hands on my left hand as she lay on that shoulder. Every time we step towards the exit, I could feel her smooth-silky breast pressed down on my robust body. Whereas the boys in the cafè gave me a grinding teeth and an unsatisfied look, but when I gave them a prideful and lofty smile, they sighed. On the other hand, the girl was also looking at me with an unfortunate gaze; it seems that they had already admitted that they're inferior to my Qing'er.

"Qing'er your so beautiful...." I whispered on her earlobe as I pinch her butt when there's no one looking at us in the road.

"Shall I take that as a compliment?... You know that this was for you..... Darling....." Her soft and mind-stimulating voice made me gulped down. She's really beautiful, damn!

I look at the road and noticed that there's no one looking at us as I grab her waist and pull her in my stomach and softly said in my lusted breath. "If you keep teasing me..... I will surely eat you up, right now!" She only press her body more tightly and respond with a giggle. "Oh... Then I'm waiting...."


At that moment, my lust had already exploded as I replied. "You said that..." After that, we ran off in the nearby toilet nearby the underside of a road. Not long after we secretly gone inside without getting caught, I sat on the toilet bowl as Qing'er sat between my legs. I feverishly kiss her on her rosy and alluring lips as I hug her tightly in my robust body and both hands gently holding her head.

Because we're going on a date today, I'm wearing a tight lower-cloth as I could feel her warm and tender lower part constantly rubbing my robust thighs, all the way through my erected shaft. I move my right hand towards her dress and pull it down to her bosom and my other hand lifted her lower-thin skirt as I roamed inside.

At last, I could see her tender and juicy erected nipple through her white-enchanted bra as I strip it off and continued warping out my tongue inside her mouth. My other hand was restlessly roamed inside hed secret cave all the way to her thin panty... As I thought, she already arose from the sexual desires.

"Qing'er.... I want you..." I said close to her as I breathed a warm-smoothing words.

"Then eat me...." She responded to me as I saw her stood up and stripped of all her clothes that's covering her otherworldly body.

Whereas I already zip down my lower cloth and revealed my erect dick as I comfortably lay my neck near the wall. Soon, her whole white-tender silky body was revealed to me as I could see her blushed-hot face. She hung out an enchanting smile as she bent down and slowly crawl up her hands towards my erected dick as if she was a charming snake. Her smooth and silky hands needled up my thigs all the way to my dick as she opened her sexy-hot mouth and eat up my shaft...