The centerpiece

Evlin was in the middle of the white void staring at a muscular man wearing a white robe similar to the one South was using.

She was still under the effect of Xadi's upgraded tracking spell that was keeping her imprisoned and unable to return to her physical body.

Not too long ago she received a visit from the three gods that were competing to see who would be the ruler of the divine deities.

The gods that ruled the east, west, and south, all took turns visiting Evlin and keeping her company in this place as if they had picked numbers and were waiting in line to talk to her. And right now, she just received another guest, another figure who looked just like her previous visitors.



Evlin was at a loss of words. She was allied with West, just befriended with South, and declared war against East. But she had no idea what her relationship with North was supposed to be.