Accepting the role

Part 1

"So that's the castle where she's keeping Ashley?"

"Yes... The old lair of the royal family..."

Gustav and Daren were looking at the place the South god had informed that Drya had run off to. A huge castle in the very center of the city. Its position was set in the tallest point of the mountain. The towers of the castle were so high up that they could almost reach the clouds. Even from outside of the church, it was possible to get a good look at the building.

The entire construction was looking like it could crumble at any moment due to the amount of damage it appeared to have received over the years, but some kind of dark energy was surrounding it and it looked like it was keeping it together.

"Daren, Lilith... Are you two sure you wanna go through with this?"

"Ashley needs us... She's probably really scared right now while being held by that plant demon... She is waiting for us!"