Dangerous enemy

Part 1

"Mmm...? It's just you two...? I could swear you guys would have tried to come with the whole team to save Ashy... I guess you just don't care about her that much..."



Daren and Lilith were staring at Drya with their battles stances while she was sitting on a bed inside of the castle's dungeon.

"Even stick-girl hasn't come yet? Is she still in dreamland? Or maybe she simply realized how useless her sister is and decided to just get rid of her."

Daren was trying his hardest to keep his emotions in check. He wanted to scream about how his team would never abandon Ashley and how they only came by themselves because of the barrier surrounding the castle and also because some of them still needed to take care of Evlin.

However, he didn't want to reveal that Evlin was defenseless right now. The last thing they needed is to have her captured as well.

Information is power, and he needed to keep to himself just how fragile the state of his team was right now.