Outdoors session

Evlin was soaring through the sky like a missile.

Under normal circumstances, she would be completely terrified of flying and would be absolutely frozen right now.

But right at this moment, Chloe's safety was all she had in mind. She already had lost her mother, her sister, and her brother-in-law to Mia. She couldn't afford to lose anyone else.

"Come on, come on!!!" She kept saying as she continued to release healing magic to boost her speed and flapped her wings while flying at sixty miles per hour.

She finally spotted the building and tried to lower her speed as she approached it. She was in a hurry to save her friend but she still couldn't be careless about the situation. As she approached the window she finally saw what was making Chloe so nervous.

Her therapist was crouching on a corner unable to stop shaking while a massive beast made of wood glared at her. Evlin then realized that the beast was talking to her. "Where... Is... Evlin!!!??"