The perfect team

Ellie was rushing through a hallway towards the hotel room that her aunt had booked while carrying a huge box with her.

"Detra!!!" she screamed to call the attention of Evlin's housemaid, "Detra, are you here??"

She entered the room and saw Detra laying on the bed holding Ellie's phone that was at this moment playing a top hits of the year series playlist of music tracks. Detra was looking at it with wide eyes and staring at the object as if it was some kind of holy grail.

"... Detra...?" Ellie asked while wondering if the woman had been watching videos this whole time while everyone was being attacked.

"What is wrong with the people of this world...???" said Detra after being exposed to more than three hours of earth's currently most popular music videos, "Is this what is considered normal around here...???"

"Oh... We kinda got rid of the concept of 'normal' a while ago... Being weird is the new normal..." Ellie explained.