Second chances

"Young miss... This is a bad idea..." Detra said while following a young girl with a plush toy frog above her head.

"Don't worry Detra... I know what I'm doing!" said the girl while strolling thought the city moving towards the direction her toy stated.

"Wouldnt it be better to wait for your aunt's friends to recover before going after Mia?"

"And give her the chance to send more monsters after us? No way... Besides... Who knows when Daren, Lilith, or Marcus might wake up..."

"I just feel this is a bad idea and you should try giving it some thought... You're basically charging into the lion's den just because some dead mage complimented you a bit..." Detra said while giving a very deep glare at Xadi.

"Please don't call me a dead mage..." Xadi said while glaring back at Detra with his frog eyes, "And stop doubting her so much, she will be fine! She's the daughter of the crossbow girl after all!"

"Niece" Detra corrected.