Accept who you are

Mia kept running for hours until she finally managed to get away from the lost souls that continued to haunt her.

When she first entered into the dark void, the glimpse of all the souls merely managed to annoy her a little for getting in the way of her search, but after getting a small contact with her locked emotions, just the sound of their voice was enough to send shivers all over her body.

She didn't even know what she was afraid of.

Was she afraid that dealing with the souls again would trigger her regret and make her body turn into a demon? Afraid that she couldn't bear the guilt of all her crimes and start hating herself? Or perhaps, and this was a thought that has been on the back of her mind for a while now, was she afraid that even with her sentiments back, she would still feel nothing? That maybe the reason she did all these horrible things wasn't because of the seal North placed in her, but because she simply was a horrible person?