Feeling lost

Mia woke up gasping for air in the middle of a grass field surrounded by large boulders of the size of a fridge.

She hurried to check her arms and legs and realized that the injuries made by Drya were gone, or rather, they were never there in the first place. The damage was done to her soul, not her body.

She stood up with a mixed sense of relief and disappointment. Relief that the pain was gone, but disappointed that she was back to her old emotionless self.

The girl lifted her head and stared at the rocks, all six of them. The grass had marks showing that these had been dragged towards where she was standing. Mia assumed that while she was taking her time sightseeing the dark void, Drya used her body to speed things up and get the stones where the demon leaders were imprisoned in.

She came closer to them and began to feel it. Her body was getting warmer and her skin was trembling as if a small jolt of electricity was circulating her insides.