The Villain

Part 1

When one loves another being more than it loves itself, one creates a god. It creates someone who is decided that deserves to be loved more than oneself, respected more than oneself, and showered with positive emotions.

When one hates another being more than it hates itself, one creates a demon. It creates someone who it feels deserves to be despised and mistreated and bathed with negative emotions.

When one loves another just as much as one loves himself, one creates a human. It doesn't place the person above itself, or below itself. It just treats that person the same way it would like to be treated.

These are the fundamentals that give origin to the three different beings that rule the world of the three types of energy.

Those who are extremely loved become gods, those who are extremely hated become demons, and those who stand in the middle, are just humans.

Many strive to become gods, and many fear becoming demons.