Red hair

Wrath observed the wounds on his body and began to shiver for a moment.

The damage was not nearly as serious as the time he was attacked by Evlin's rampage, but the fact still remained that him getting hurt was not something that should be done easily.

"How in the world did you manage to do that...?" the old man asked.

Detra released a small giggle before replying, "Is it not obvious? I used the power of love!"


The woman then proceeded to spin her staff around and several new shards of ice began to take shape around her aimed at the dragon demon.

"For me... There is nothing that I love more than showing demon scum like you the shortest path back to hell..." Detra commented while releasing her wave of ice on her opponent.

Wrath saw the icicles coming and hurried to smack the ground and use the pieces of debris from the floor to block the attacks.

"Not gonna work..." Detra whispered.