
Knucker was shivering in terror.

The failsafe container for his heart had been ruined as Evlin ended up just taking it out of Ashley with no trouble.

His entire army of demon dragons that should be unable to die was reduced to a pile of regular human beings with no power at all.

The girl that he despised so much and that had crumbled into dust just came back from the dead and ruined all of his plans once again.

And to top it all of, his ability to see into the future that should work as a way to keep him safe and away from danger wasn't giving him anything to work with.

"Why... Why did things turn out this way??? I planned for everything!! I should be the winner!!" the dragon cried in agony while shaking his head.

Evlin just sighed and stomped his foot.

"You done?" she asked while approaching him, "I want to get this over with so I can go home..."