The Mockery And Illusion

all that came out was a goblin ear. Upon seeing this, the look of disappointment and regret filled the room as everyone began pondering about why they wasted there time.

"Ha… Ha ha Ha! I told you all!! You should see the look on your faces ha ha!" Said a man as he dropped to the ground crying out with laughter

It was then that everyone realized, they could just laugh it off.

"Y-You're right, damn I nearly thought I was in for a surprise… ha ha ha!" Laughed another

Then one by one, people in the room began to laugh at the pathetic site. Those who didn't laugh just weren't interested in anything in the first place or busy with other things.

But one single person had a different reason for not laughing and that was the receptionist.


That was the single word she muttered as she stared at what was in front of her. She then look around with haste to see if they were truly blind or just didn't see things correctly.