
Kailan's eyes are hard, his lips pressed into a thin line. "How did you even find us?"

"I..." My mind goes blank. "A faery found me. I was in the forest, and he invited me here."

He looks over my shoulder snarling at someone behind me. Grabbing my arm in his cold hand, he pulls me through the room, the crowd parting for him. Quite a few Fair Folk gawk at me, confusion plain on their face.

"Gaelish said humans were welcome here. Said I was perfect the way I am." My feet skim the ground, the soles of my shoes scuffing. "Kailan, you're moving too fast."

"Gaelish had better watch his back," he mumbles, keeping his pace. We break out of the crowd, entering a narrow tunnel. It's well lit with sconces, the fire making our shadows dance on the walls.

"Where are we going?" I ask him, fear slipping into my voice. I clear my throat, like I'm not scared.

"Away from there. You can't fulfill your end of the bargain if you're dead."


"Obviously." Kailan scowls. "Humans are entertainment." He stops, whirling around so fast I collide with his chest. Gently, but urgently, pushing me away, he looks over my face. "You didn't eat anything?"


"Drink anything?" he presses.

"No. Kailan, what's going on? What do you mean by humans are entertainment?"

He looks down the hall, then pulls a root. A hole opens in the earthen wall, revealing a spacious room. Kailan pushes me inside, following me quickly so the hole closes again. "Too many have seen you already. You must change into new attire, and change your hair." He walks over to a closet, throwing open the doors, suits and dresses hanging within. Their beauty is overwhelming.

"Change my hair?" I ask stupidly.

"Wear it up," he replies, shifting through the dresses, looking back at me a couple times. Finally, he pulls out a lavish silver dress, tossing it at me. "Change quickly. I will turn away."

"I..." I stare at the fabric, shimmering in the flame light, much like Kailan's hair in the moonlight.

He faces the closet, seemingly looking for a new suit.

I slip from my dress, the material bunching on the floor as I step into the new gown. It feels cool and smooth against my flushed skin, hugging my body almost scandalously. It's the tightest dress I've ever worn, accentuating my curves, boosting my bosom to give the illusion of my breasts being larger. The sleeves hang off my shoulders, covering my elbows to my wrists, the end of the angle falling to my knees. I don't know why women require such long sleeves, but the look is stunning.

Kailan turns, his dark eyes roaming my body slowly. "That look suits you," he says kindly, voice thick. "Can you do your own hair?"

"Not well."

"Sit." He points me to an ottoman, stepping behind me when I'm settled. His long fingers run through my hair, sectioning it and styling it with a fluidity I'm jealous of. "I can not do my own hair either, but my sisters like me to do theirs."

"I have no siblings," I remark, startled by his honesty. Why is he even telling me this?

"I would show you but this room lacks a looking glass. You must trust you are beautiful."

My cheeks warm. "What did you mean earlier, when you said humans are entertainment?"

Kailan's hands stop momentarily. When he threads my hair through itself, he answers, "They make humans dance until their feet bleed and their legs give out. It's very humorous to a lot of Fae."

"But not to you?" I hear the disgust in his tone.

"No. Humans are not animals. Once you consume anything, you're more susceptible to being commanded. Did Gaelish tell you to eat?"

My stomach twists. "Yes."

"I will deal with him later." His hands fall to my bare shoulders, the touch cold but it sends an electric shock through me. "You're not finished yet." Walking back to the closet, he digs around the floor, pulling out boxes. Within the boxes are bones.

My stomach rolls again. "Kailan..."

"Quiet." He rummages through them, producing two horns, similar to his own actually. "You still are obviously human. Many of the Fae have been drinking tonight and will not look twice if you walk by, but you must look Fae."

"So, your horns are fake too?" I hope.

He smiles tightly, moving behind me once again to mount the horns, spinning my hair around them to keep them in place. "No, they are not."


"Do not sound so disappointed," he laughs, stepping in front of me again, gazing upon me fondly. "Now you look like a Fair Folk."

"I hope I don't have to wear them long. They're already uncomfortable."

"Cara." He shakes his head, offering his hand to help me stand. "Do not let go of my arm until you are safe. If you do, I fear for your welfare."