The Kiss

Kailan gasps in shock, his soft lips pulling on mine as I hold him against me. His hands grab my waist, clenching, and I know he'll push me away. I press my body against his, my hands holding his face until I want to be done. He needs to see how unwilling I am to get any other man involved. I know now I can't involve anyone else. It's our bargain and it should be us who fulfill it. No third party required.

To my complete surprise, Kailan's lips begin to move, joining mine in the dance I initiated. His hands pull me closer, one clutching my back as he moves the other to the base of my skull, twining his slender fingers through my hair. His whole body shudders and he sighs.

I moan into his mouth before pulling back, breathing hard. His eyes are dark, not yet red but not silver anymore either. Almost like a scarlet in color, but they're alive with emotion.

He's panting too, his hand moving from my hair to my cheek, his thumb caressing the soft skin there. "Why did you do that?"

"Is there another?" I ask, horrified slightly. I'd never thought to ask if his reserve was because he was already in love.

Kailan chuckles. "If I had a mate, you would not have gotten that far." He cocks his head. "There are eligible men in your town. Why have you not pursued one of them? Why do you continue to throw yourself at me?"

"I fear I will end up an old maid if my only options are the men in town. None of them are worthy enough to be my husband."

"I did not say you had to be wed. Although it is unusual for a woman of your age and beauty to be unwed."

I hear the underlying question in his tone. "I had no interest in marriage. I did not plan to bear children, or even have the desire to participate in courtship. Several women my age are married and bearing children, but what becomes of them now? Am I supposed to manage this farm and my children?"

He knits his brow. "Your husband would tend the farm. It's a man's duty."

I recall Betsy giving birth. A man would help with that? As far as I can remember, Mother always tended the farm. We're fortunate enough not to have any crops, our neighbor graciously bringing us what his family doesn't use or sell.

Kailan breaks away from our embrace, putting quite a bit of distance between us. "I shall tell the queen you have found a man and are attempting to woo him."

"But isn't that a lie?" My heart aches from his distance, the space between us and the chill in his voice.

"No. I am the man. There is no need to provide further details than what I previously stated." He turns.

"Wait. Kailan!"

He looks over his shoulder, his face devoid of emotion and still as stone.

"You said before names are important. So, Kailan, I command you to return to me and bear children with me."

His eyes widen and then he laughs. "It seems you understand their importance. But Kailan is not my true name." He saunters off, disappearing into the forest, leaving me gaping like a fish.

Wasn't his true name? What did that even mean? Do Fair Folk have more than one name? He said I understood the importance of names. Are they used for commanding them? Can he command me since he knows my name?

Picking up the basket I dropped in my haste to kiss Kailan, I curse. The eggs broke and are spilling over the gravel trail. I dig a small hole and bury the shells in it, then overturn the gravel to dispose of the yolks.

When I stand up, I notice Mother on the border of our farm, arms crossed over her chest. Heaving a sigh, I brace myself for the worst. What had she seen?