

We all dream, so they say, whoever "they" might be. Oftentimes we wake up having forgotten the things our mind mused. Other times we remember just a small piece. Sometimes they were so vivid we could write a book about them. Is that what this is you ask? No, no, sadly no. This story is much more and yet so much less. Like our dreams, one moment we're here and the next there, rhyme or reason don't play their parts in this tale. Just enjoy it for what it is, a bit less than a dream.

During the day our mind meanders, day dreams we call them. Although they do not come in the void of our forgotten self called sleep, none the less they are just as listless. Musings and yearnings combined into thoughtless spans of time where our body still functions without a mind. Sometimes it's an argument, where we're in control. Deceiving, believing we know it all. Or maybe we're bored, and to a new realm we fly, to the back of our mind, who knows what's in store.

Don't worry I'll stop the rhymes, although one last time I must add, dreams are never a bore. Even the ones that are terrifying, in a way they too entertain. We like to escape from ourselves. It's a sign we should not ignore. Often times our subconscious mind attempts to bring to the front what we don't wish to remember, other times it helps us to forget. Either way we all dream, all and forever more.

There was a man, a simple man, a plain man. He lived in a plain apartment, with plain furniture, and worked a plain job. Overall he lived quite the plain life, though saying it was plain might be overselling it, for even things that are plain can have luster or flavor. His life was comprised of beautiful shades and hues of grey.

What was his name you ask? Let's just say it was too plain to remember, you won't need to know it for the story and it would only bore you anyway. I'm sure by now you understand.