Past part 2

I open my eyes to see my beautiful Alexandra snuggles into my chest, I wrap my arms tighter around her and sigh happily. I could definitely get used to waking up like this. As soon as I start to drift back off to sleep I feel Alexandra start moving around in my arms, sweat breaks out on her face and neck, and she starts jolting around. What is going on, whats happening to her? I get out of the bed and rush to her side as I hear her scream, "But.. where are you going?! I don't understand! What's happening?!? Tell me. TELL ME!" I grab her and pull her into my arms hoping she wakes up. I feel tears drop onto my arms and I whisper into her ear trying to calm her down. "I got you love, I got you. I'm right here Alexandra." She's clinging onto me as if I'm going to leave her here alone. I won't leave her, not again. I lean back to look her in the eyes, "What was that about Alexandra? Are you okay?.." at first she looked confused, but then I saw the flame ignite in her eyes, "Well MAYBE if you weren't hiding things from me that have to do with MY past I would know that the dream was about!" I know why she is upset and I understand, I mean I would be upset as well if I was in her position. It's time I start helping her get her memory back, I've been blind. It's selfish of me to neglect to help her remember our past just in hopes of keeping her with me, if she decides she wants nothing to do with me... then I'll have to be okay with that. Shocked by the fact she actually snapped at me I look at her for a second with nothing to say. As her words register in my head I realize she's trying to blame me for what happened to her, I can't help but get upset. "The memories will come back in time. Who am I to tell your body when your ready to remember your memories." I try to stay calm but the more I explain the more angry I get with the situation. "I wasn't the one who took them in the first place!" I see her face fall as she gets lost in thought for a few minutes. I know I need to help her even if it means I lose her, but I just wish I had more time. "All I can tell you is that, you need to learn your powers and how to use them in order to get them back. I will help you with this however I do not know how long this will take." That was such a lie however, I want to prolong her training so she can learn how to control herself first then her powers. "Okay, I'll do whatever it takes I just want to remember him..." Him? Is she talking about me? So she really doesn't know I'm the guy from her past. Has she not put it all together yet... well her parents powers are pretty strong as well as the seal they put on me. They told me that before she would receive her memories, full powers, and family crest on her chest back I have to break the spell. They never told me how, I'm supposed to figure it out on my own. Something about if it's meant to be it'll always find it's way back. I don't know her parents were some masterminds. They told me to take care of Alexandra and that's what I'm going to do, but it's sad watching her drive herself crazy trying to take back what was lost. I pick her up and carry her to the bathroom, setting her down on the counter I start running a bath for her. She needs to relax and get all that sweat off of her body. I need to get my emotions under control, but even when I do she can always tell through my eyes. Just like when we were younger... whenever something went wrong here I would always go to see her. Even if my face was blank, one look at my eyes and she knew I wasn't okay before I even knew I wasn't. I stand up and turn around, she looks up at me and straight at my eyes... just like I suspected. Her eyes slowly trace through mine as if she's reading my emotions and thoughts. As she looks into my eyes she seems to get lost in her thoughts again... she does that way to much. Doesn't she ever get tired of always thinking, I knock myself out if I were her. But it's one of the things I love about her.. she's always thinking about everyone else and their emotions. Once when we were younger, we were racing up and down the stairs, we both tripped down the stairs, and hit the floor hard. Before she could even say ow she was asking me if I was okay, such a sweet girl in such a cruel place. Without speaking to her I go to walk out leaving her to her thoughts. Just as I reach the door I feel her hand wrap tight around my arm. I turn my head over my shoulder and see her staring at her feet. I wrap my arms around her immediately knowing what she needs from me. It's okay Alexandra you don't have to say a word, I'll never leave you again I promise. "Why do you look so sad every time you look at me..?" I feel a tear hit my skin and Yy body involuntarily stiffens. I lean back looking at her in her eyes just as she did to me, whipping her tears I say, "because it pains me to see the one I care about the most, tearing herself apart just to remember something that can make her happier." Without any strength left to hide my emotions I sadly smile at her hoping she knows it's from the bottom of my heart, and I leave without another word. I need to get this off my mind so I go to the pond out by the garden and watch as the ducks swim peacefully across the still water. They have such a simple yet beautiful life, they can go where they want when they want. I want that, I want to do that with Alexandra. After about 20 minutes go by I make my way back up to the room hoping she's out of the bath by now. I walk in to find her reading the book called "Memories". She's probably trying to look for answers, however I already tried that book and it doesn't help at all. Memories are valuable things that cannot be destroyed, only hidden in the mind. Memories can be like forgotten things, still there but just unknown to a person. She looks as if she's enjoying the book but I think it was just a bunch of sappy nonsense. I walk over to her slowly and take the book out of her hands. She looks up at me, I shut the book and read the title as if I don't already know what it is. "Don't worry I've tried to find the answers in this book as well.. trust me it won't help. However you may read it if you find the book interesting." I hand her the book back and look at her. She's kind of scary when she's mad, butttt it's sexy at the same time. I really thought she was going to go crazy, jump me, and drink all my blood. Speaking of, "Are you hungry?", I asked a bit concerned seeing to how she hasn't eaten yet. "I've lost my appetite after this morning, however I would like to go on a walk through the garden. My parents always wanted to start a garden when we were younger but they could never quite keep up with it." I remember the garden she is speaking of, she really wanted to plant these flowers called a white plumeria. They always forgot to water the plants and where they loved the soil wasn't proper for growing anything. I start to get sad, shes remembering everything but me. But she needs me to be strong for her right now until she remembers everything. I shoot her my charming smile and extend my arm for her to take. She grabs my arm, I lead her out of the room, down the stairs, and out to the garden as she asked. She looks around as if she has never seen anything like this before, I remember getting some white plumerias to put in the garden however only one survived. They are really only native to warmer places, we live north so a lot of them withered and died. I made sure that the servants made the garden flawless in hopes it would attract Alexandra here one day somehow. Slowly, overtime, some memories I had of her and her family faded. But I'm this short amount of time she's brought back so many memories I have of all of them, if only I could do the same for her. I walk her along the path towards the direction her favorite flower is in. Alexandra only knowing me and her parents throughout her life, we're the only people who know about the white plumeria being her favorite. Im hoping she realizes I'm the guy she was talking about earlier. Part of me needs her to know, I can't go for much longer without blood and I refuse to drink any except hers. As we walk I point out flowers she might like and describe their unique qualities. I brace myself as we begin to approach he flower that might make her remember me, out of the corner of my eyes I watch hers. I wait for her eyes to fall upon the flower she loves so much and then slide the words in calmly, "Your favorite flower if I remember correctly, a white plumeria. They each have unique smells, some as sweet as honey, while some as spicy as a pepper." I watch as the gleaming look in her eyes twists into confusion and slowly realization, "so you are a part of my past but.. I wouldn't of told you that if we weren't close... Master Angelo, ...what are you to me?" I need her to believe that I let it slip on accident, I pretend to be shocked and avoid her eyes. The rest of me wants to scream out the answer to her question, but I can't. Even if I tell her the spell with probably erase it from her memory. I can't tell her anything, every time I drop hints or tell her something the crest spreads on my chest. I can't help but worry as to what might happen if I say to much, but how am I supposed to break the spell if they never told me and now they're dead?