Ch. 80: Safe and Sound

The look of shock on Augustus' face makes him look more childish as he finally appears to be a typical 16-year-old kid. It does much to assuage my spirit as I know that my ultimatum has no chance of failure.

As I mentally praise myself, Augustus subtly, but not subtly enough, creeps towards me. The grass cloaks the sound of his feet, but I just shake my head. Does he think I'm blind?

"Take another step forward and I'll start screaming," I calmly tell Augustus. Watching the crown prince flounder reminds me of a car that has hit empty, the hunk of metal persisting in its journey on nothing but fumes until it truly can't move an inch further.

"I know you are quick, you've been training with Father since you could walk. But will you be faster than this blade?" I grin cheerfully. "And in the off chance you are too slow, because I can see you considering the possibility already, do you really think you can get away with it?"