Ch. 90: There Are No Strings On Me

I hear out Bishop Duvernay's proposal with a neutral expression, but one thing becomes exceedingly clear as he finishes speaking.

I would not be a member. I would be a puppet.

And the puppet masters? Naturally, the ones who already have strings buried deep within the nobility and every level of the government. Religion. A quiet, yet unsurmountable force when wielded in the wrong hands.

I blink slowly and count off my fingers to ensure I haven't missed any ludicrous promises. "So, you wish for me to attend all masses at the Grand Temple in Radovalsk, heal 'important' practitioners, perform certain rituals, and heal believers all over the Empire. Does the Holy Priestess not fulfill this kind of role adequately enough for you?"

Thinking back to good-natured Aria, the first hint of displeasure colors my tone.