Ch. 96: Ocean's Two

A heist, not to break out a prisoner, but simply to break in and speak to one. I think Julian and I will deserve a medal after all of this.

I smile on occasion from where I sit, stir my cold soup with a spoon, and people watch as Julian and I await our chance. The plan is a simple heist in reverse, meant to take place in the early morning hours when the staff prepare for us to hit the road. They wake before the rest of us, feed the horses, ready the saddles and carriages, and most importantly, the staff bring the transmigrated weaponsmith back out from the Belfort Castle dungeon to his personal cell with wheels.

However, when the staff bring the weaponsmith back from the dungeon, we will break into his cell and have a short "conversation" with him. The guards, courtesy of Julian's arrangements, have received conflicting schedules, allowing for a 5-minute lapse where there won't be a soul guarding the wooden contraption. And that is when we will strike.