Ch. 99: Home Sweet Home?

I let out a sigh when when I see the familiar grandeur of Winfred Plaza from my carriage window. Today the popular landmark is inundated with citizens, all excited to see the procession of the imperial army. They cheer and wave with excitement, reminding me of the first time I saw my father and brother's grand return to the palace. It feels quite nice being on the opposite side of it.

I push my face close to the glass, waving at the common people outside. Their clothes are made from simply linen and muslin, the colors far more drab and simple than anything I've seen in the palace. But in terms of happiness, one family of 6 probably experience more joy within a week than the entire imperial family does in a year. I envy them greatly for that.

"They cheer for you, your highness," Emma whispered from the side, not wishing to intrude in the moment.