Ch. 122: Like a Prayer

"Do you know what you will say?" My brother's worried gaze hovers over mine as I push his face away.

"What, do you think I'm stupid enough to go before every noble guest and fumble through my words? It's just a simple prayer," I gripe to Augustus.

I suck in a lungful of fresh pine and smile to myself. I have yet to read a webnovel where someone didn't try to murder the female lead in the middle of a hunting competition. While I don't have the luxury of being the female lead, as Peppermint enjoyed constantly reminding me, I am lucky enough to have the empire's most powerful woman out to get me so I'm sure I'll be able to get a taste of the main character treatment.

"Everything will be fine," I say to the crown prince, even though it won't be.

"Why do you try to treat me like your junior sometimes?" Augustus casts me a disgruntled look within his tent, looking dashing in his hunting uniform, simply a darker version of his military uniform.