Ch. 127: Plot Armor

Janice lets out a shrill, piercing scream that almost competes with the griffin's ungodly screech. You would think we were the closest of friends with the way she rushed to my side, colliding into me so hard that my feet stop digging for our only source of salvation.

"What is that?!" she shrieks again.

"I already told you. It's a griffin. And it's a little bigger than I bargained for." The creature huffs a breath that rattles the nearby branches.

I'd thought it would charge for us within seconds, but something seems wrong as it keeps swiveling its head around. Is its eyesight poor?

It is incredibly obvious that a little research into these creatures might have done me a little good.

"Why do you know so much about griffins?" Julia manages to ask without taking her eyes of the bloodthirsty, rampaging beast that is still looking for us.