Ch. 137: The Real Show

"Why should I tell you?" Janice whined, rubbing at her neck even though it wasn't the slightest bit bruised or red. "You are neither my husband... nor my lover." Her eyes flickered up suggestively, but Wolfgang was already learning to see past her attempts at seduction.

There was no denying Janice's overwhelming charm and beauty. Perhaps if Wolfgang had met her in a Red House he might've paid thousands to spend an evening with her. But she still had yet to master the kind of word games nobles had played since they were young.

Wolfgang snorted, releasing her neck. "Only a blind fool would voluntarily choose to be either. Tell me, Countess, what benefit is there in being with you?"

His words were deliberate, scratching at the wound of Janice being of common birth. It also reminded her that she was but a countess by marriage, while he was set to inherit a duchy from his father someday.