Ch. 163: Cupcakes and Confessions

It almost looks right. The frosting. The succulent sweetness of the cake. Even the specially made candle small enough to be tucked into the top.

The flame flickers on the wick, illuminating nothing on this fine day that doubles as my birthday.

"I'm 12," I say, looking down at my half-eaten cupcake. I pluck out the candle and perhaps out of habit, Finn immediately takes it from me and tucks it away god knows where.

"You are, your highness. Congratulations," Finn says in an even tone, not allowing for the slightest hint of emotion to infiltrate his tone. The fox has fully grown into a politician, cloaked in a somber blue that is at odds with the impending summer.

"Do you know why I wanted to meet with you on this day?" I ask the newish Duke. He almost looks the way he used to, if I don't focus my eyes on the family insignia decorating what could almost pass as a navy blue royal guard uniform.

"I must confess, I do not," he admits.