Ch. 178: Forbidden Knowledge

My fingers trail over the word FORBIDDEN, embossed in a foreboding red across the black leather book cover.

Although he isn't here, I can just imagine the self-righteous smirk he'd have on his face as he quietly asks, "So you like it?"

"A gift within a gift?" Emma asked, seated in the corner of the room while tossing a thick bag of coins up and down.

"Mhmmm," I hum in confirmation. "It made for a fascinating read."

Recent nights of insomnia have been assuaged with a well-placed candle on my bedside table and me, huddled right beside it with the book in my lap. I've seen Marie's suspicious glances at the used candle that's down to its nub every evening, but I've been quite hush hush about the book, even with her. I was even going to keep it a secret from Emma, but in true Emma fashion, she discovered the heavy tome within 2 days of my birthday.

"Do you know why magic is forbidden in the Erudian Empire, save for imperial doctors and battle mages?" I ask Emma.