Ch. 185: A Clue in the Statue

Marriage is on everyone's mind. It's the season of love in Radovalsk, for the rich, wealthy, and highly-statused at least.

Something more exciting than considering my marriage prospects a couple of years from now has come up, narrowing down the options for my brother's future crown princess. Whispers had been abound in the palace for years about what kind of bride Augustus might eventually wed in the Imperial Throne Room for all to see, but in recent months the rumors have reached a feverish pitch - for good reason too.

Augustus is currently 19 years old, older than our father when he had first wed Augustus' mother and the same age as when Emperor Helio had become a father. But Augustus' young eyes have yet to wander, allowing much of the gossip and speculation about his future princess to remain general. However, ignoring reality doesn't make it go away, I would know better than most.