Ch. 187: Ghost Stories

Wolfgang leaned against the wall adjacent to the bed, the unsanded wood boards digging into his back.

"I don't suppose you'll be forthcoming with your true name?" he inquired, half casually half seriously.

"You would be correct," the Nightingale chuckled. It was a mesmerizing sound, like twinkling bells.

"Perhaps Ghost would be more apt of a code name."

"Ghosts are not known for their prowess in singing," she deftly replied without missing a beat. The wounded captain couldn't agree more.

"No, I suppose not." Wolfgang cleared his throat as an uncomfortable silence descended. Unsure if the spy forgot her promise to speak first, he prompted her. "So?"

The Nightingale smiled to herself as a particularly fierce bout of wind rattled the windows that had been nailed shut. "The emperor bid me to tie away any loose ends that Lord Bromely may have left in the north."

Wolfgang nodded, having expected as much. "And I garner you found more than you expected?"