Ch. 208: Blackbird Pie

Actually, I'm not positive about what exactly Janice is. 

But that look on her face when I said that, that was utterly priceless!

"Janice, Janice, Janice," I mutter under my breath as I relish the memory of her face blanching. I am not blind to her transformation, even as others try to come up with rational explanations for them.

Once Janice has disappeared out of sight from behind me, I issue orders to Nina.

"Make sure that girl is brought to my chambers after I meet with Julian. Otherwise, she will never walk on that foot again."

"Yes, your highness," Nina goes back down the path we had ventured upon, leaving me alone with Wanda.

As we walk, myself and the remaining attendants, it feels quieter than usual even though we rarely speak. I can feel that Wanda is still reeling, even without glancing back at her. Perhaps I should've sent Wanda back to take care of the injured maid and left Nina by my side.