Ch. 228: Two Peas in a Pod

When Julian has successfully mollified the maid because he eventually walks back into the living room with a proud smirk. 

"I understand why... you do the things you do. But even when dabbling in the unsavory side of this business-"

I clear my throat somewhat obnoxiously. "-not a business, our life-".

"-Of our royal life, we should try to maintain some modicum of the morality of our former world. Which means no kidnapping and tying up people in bathtubs." 

"Yes, dad," I answer, suppressing the urge to roll my eyes.

"And in spite of your sarcasm, I do hope that with our agreement you will help me. Please." His eyes are lowered as is his voice, which is painted in a faint sadness. I can't tell if this is a play for pity or his honest emotions.