

WhAt A FiNE FeAst I hAd ...

Im OnCe aGAin bOrED

i indeED wOnDEr HoW ThE hUmAN rEaLM HaS ChaNged...

Creates portal to human realm*



A ChilD...


ThIs cHilD sEEms iNterEstinG

R: If you keep bullying me i will make a weapon and kill you...

R*Sigh* I was reborn as a child*

R*who would have thought i time traveled in the late area

Oh...my...SeEMs tHis tIme TraVeller AlsO KnOws about the New erA


HoW intErEsTiNg

Beck (bully): Ha your mother died early and your father does not care for you yet you think you can defeat me

B:Ha don't make me laugh