Stare down.

Standing in front of me was what appeared to be a six year old little girl wearing pitch black clothes with long black hair and bright red eyes. On the tiny girls shoulder she was carrying what appeared to be a massive grim looking serrated scythe.

This was my companion. Apparently my parents failed to inform me that there were also humanoid companions as they were also extremely rare to a crazy point.

My parents where just staring gobsmacked at the little girl with a life reaping weapon.

The little girl stared back mostly at my mother and with a chilling yet beautiful childlike voice said one word.


My mother blinked in confusion before saying. "I'm sorry but what is yours dear?"

Quick as lightning the tiny girl turned on her heel and grabbed me by the head before planting her lips on mine.

I was shocked and had no idea what just happened. She used the shock to her advantage and slipped me some tongue before turning back around and repeating her phrase.


My mother's eyes narrowed as my dad collapsed on the ground in mad laughter. I just stood there with a shocked face I had just been molested and by child no less. I could hear even Cassie giggling through the system.

There was an intense stare down between the girl and my mother before the unexpected happened. My mother swooped in and swept her right off her feet with a squeal of delight.

"Soooo cute now I have a daughter as well oh we can go shopping and get you some nice dresses to match your beautiful hair and eyes." She said swinging the girl and giant death weapon around happily.

I just face palmed and sighed.

My dad was still laughing on the ground until I said something.

"I don't know what your laughing about you have to pay for it all and I can guarantee she had a grimoire as well so that's another magic book to the list but I'm sure you can find a scythe training manual aswell."

His eyes nearly popped out of his head.

"Hey you child please don't tell me you can use magic aswell right?" He asked hopefully.

His dreams were crushed when she manifested a pitch black grimoire.

My mother hugged the girl. "It's okay dear we did save a lot on tuition. Also Ryan shouldn't you give your companion a name?" my mother said looking at me.

I pondered for a moment. "I like the name Sasha." the little girls eyes lit up and she smiled. "My name is Sasha." Ugh too cute critical damage.

After everyone was calmed down we decided to sit down and discuss what would happen next as we had to go out and buy basic spell books and weapon manuals. I couldn't exactly tell them I already had a weapon training manual and I couldn't afford a magic spellbook from the system as I had only earned a few hundred gold over the years.

We discussed what kind of element would be best for me to get. They listed out most of the elements besides the rarer ones like space and time and the darker ones like necromancy.

Of course Sasha would be getting a darkness magic book. I had decided to go for an all arounder. I would be getting a wood magic book. It had attacks, defence and some basic healing. Of course it was a little more expensive as it was a rarer attribute mostly used by elves. But my parents thought it was a good choice. Then I could also learn wind spells from my mother's book. I would also be able to learn the darkness magic so it was still a win in my book.

We got ready and we all headed out with my dad looking somber at how much money he was going to spend. He had given mom some money to take Sasha to get new clothes while me and him headed to the Magic Book store.

Inside the store there where rows and rows of books lined up by color and prices. With the more rare books locked up inside magical cases with super high prices outside on plaques. We made our way to the wood section and picked out a basic wood spells book for 1300 gold. Then over to the darkness section and got a basic one for 1000 gold exactly.

We paid and made our way to the weapon manual shop. It was pretty good luck that there was no chain weapon manuals but there was a scythe manual. It wasn't too expensive either.

Since there was no chain weapon manual I made a comprise with him and he would buy me some steel ingots to increase the strength of my weapon and buy me some new clothes.

Walking out of the Blacksmith shop carrying quite a bit of metal in a crate we made our way to the clothing section where I bought a few pairs of nice looking pants and t shirts.

We found my mother carrying quite a few bags of little girl clothes and holding Sasha's hand who upon seeing me quickly dashed over and clung to my arm.

My chain hidden under my shirt just rattled happily excited for a meal of steal ingots when we got home.

It practically tore the crate apart and started absorbing the metal when we got home.

While that was happening we took out our grimoires and pressed our magic books to the cover of the grimoire where it was sucked in with a light.

I opened my books and there were instructions on wood spells and other information.

Sasha then pressed her grimoire to mine and I got the information on darkness magic.

Next my mother did the same for wind magic. Usually it is taboo to share grimoires like this as most grimoires are used kind of like research journals and can only be accessed by the owner of the grimoire. So you could technically steal all the other persons research notes which might be worth quite a lot of money or might inform an enemy of what kind of spells you have. My mother and Sasha of course wouldn't care about any of that with me. But others keep their grimoire quite protected and private.