
After the first couple of classes where things were explained. We had lunch most of the rich kids would go buy expensive food from the cafeteria. However I prefer a hand made lunch from my mom. I happily sat and ate my lunchbox while Sasha snuck sweets away from me. She doesn't need to eat as she lives off my energy but she still likes food so who am I to deny her candies?

After lunch it was time for sparring so the teacher can see where everyone was at.

"Alright everyone split into groups of fighters to the left and mages to the right." The teachers says as we are standing outside an arena.

I'm the only one left just standing in the middle.

he looks at me for a second before it clicks. "You must be the magic swordsman for this class. We only had about 5 this year and there was a mad scramble as each teacher wanted one for their class." he says with a chuckle. "We can let you fight twice using magic and your fighter skills if you want?" he asks me.

I just shrugged before walking over to the fighters side first.

The looks the other kids gave me changed a bit as magic swordsmen were all doted upon. most went on to become powerful knights or adventures.

Soon we are called up in groups of two and put into the arena. Let me tell you it's absolutely cringe worth watching kids fight each other.

Allow me to explain how my fight went so you can understand.

Standing across from me was a kid who had a big greatsword. Most soul weapons weight almost nothing to the user's so he could swing the massive blade around like a feather.

The problem was what he was currently doing. He was standing across from me shouting at the top of his voice.

"Whaaaaoooooooooooo!!!!" Before making the most exaggerated run at me with his sword held high. Then to make matter worse he started shouting some stupid attack name. "Grand justice slasshhhhhh....." before my fist connected to his cheek smacking him across the arena floor where he proceeded to cry and call me a cheater for not letting him finish his attack name.

I just looked at the teacher with a raised eyebrow as he could only sigh and rub his face.

The same thing happened with mages except it was a little more funny from my point of view.

Little kids holding staffs or orbs would shout out crazy magic moves like 'Great destroyer!' or 'Mega-blast!' before failing to cast anything more than a fireball and proceeding to whack each other with staffs or throw crystal balls at each other.

Same thing happened during my magic fight except the kid was a little more idiotic.

He had on like full expensive mage robes and what looked like a very expensive crystal staff.

he started out doing a grand gesture and waving his staff at me before yelling. "Holy Cleansing!" the only thing that happened was he used heal on me. He shouted again "Holy light explosion!" I'm covered in a golden glow again as he heals me this went on for about 5 minutes until i waved my hand and blew him off the arena with a wind spell. Poor kid only knew healing spells.

The teacher looked like he was about ready to give up on life he must not have taught children before. If one starts shouting cool stupid attack names while around children the other little monkey's will follow and call out cool sounding stupid attacks.

Now he had a group of children who some were crying that they lost others were 'Trading' super attack names and bragging and me just looking at them from a distance so I don't catch the stupid. You literally don't have to say anything to cast magic it's mostly you can think about the spell incantation and use a hand gesture or staff movement to cast.

Staffs and orbs by the way can help a mages cast speed and magic power output. I think they kind of just got in the way and are extra stuff I don't want to carry.

The teachers voice stops all the kids from whatever they were doing. "I see we need to have a conversation about proper combat techniques and why it's not advisable to shout attack names in the middle of combat." he says with a sigh.

"But how will people know I'm on the side of justice if I don't tell them the name of my righteous attack." the healing kid asks seriously.

"First off there are so many things wrong with that I don't know where to start. Second I'm pretty sure your a healer do you even know any attack magics?" he asks curiously.

"Of course I do didn't you see me use holy light explosion?" the kid says with a serious face.

"I'll take that as a no." He mutters shaking his head. "From now on anyone who shouts any form of attack name will run 10 laps around the field."

The kids look ready to rebel at this point. "My father..." one kid starts to say before catching my eye and quickly clamming up.

I just give him a friendly smile and disperse the gathered wind blade that formed for no reason.

The teacher has us spar again and there are quite a few unlucky kids running around the field now. I guess this separates the smart ones from the idiots.

A couple hours later it was a slightly dissapointed teacher who waved us off to our parents to go home. Dad was there to pick me up.

"Hey son how was your day?" he asks with a big smile.

before I could respond Sasha pops out of my shadow "He smacked the son of some earl in the face with a desk twice."

My dad just raised an eyebrow. "What was his dad's name?" he asked me.

"I never did find out." I laughed.

"Well keep up the good work and just don't kill anyone or something." my dad says patting my head.