Alchemy class.

The next day at school I was registered for the alchemy class and a subclass and bought my supplies at the school store. We get a discount being students and buying here instead of purchasing them in the shopping district.

I walked into the classroom and notice a vastly different group of people than I was used to. Most of them where elves, druids, smart looking people and older students. Not really fighter types.

The room was filled with plants and flowers there were wood fairies floating around watering plants.

Soon the teacher walked in. It was a gorgeous brown haired druid woman with brown skin and leafy features.

"Welcome to the starter alchemy class. In this class you'll be learning mostly about plants. Plant care, identifying proper plants and if a plant has gone bad or is a fake. If you can't even identify what your using in alchemy there are chances you'll end up just poisoning someone." the druid woman says in an earthy voice.

"Plant care will help you grow your own plants and save money as alchemy is an expensive process and you can be prone to failure and losing lots of money." She explains.

From that point on it was mostly a gardening class which I quite enjoyed. I could use this knowledge for a proper herb garden in my internal world.

We did a class on one of the most basic herbs used in alchemy and learned how to plant it how to check for rot and disease to see if the herb is usable and the quality of the herbs. We learned about proper soils and fertilizer to increase growth and health of our plants.

We wrote everything down and watched carefully.

Soon however class ended and it was time for lunch this class lasts all morning to get stuff done more effectively.

I made my way to the lunch room and met up with Silvia who was happy with her new teacher who was a well known female rapier user in the Knights regime under her father.

She happily chatted about being shown new rapier stances while i listened with a smile and ate my lunch which was glazed fried meat and greens. Yum.

After lunch I made it to my next class where I had to wash up and enter into a room that smelled a lot like hospitals. On tables there were all sorts of clear bodies with what looked like bones veins and organs inside of them. These were mannequins used for teaching my next class which was a sub class.

A stern man in a white coat walked in and waved us to make a seat.

"In this class you will be learning about hands on healing. You'll study the human body and learn to set things like broken bones, stitching surgery to remove objects and more." he says firmly. "Anyone caught playing around will be kicked out and not welcome back do I make myself clear?"

There were sounds of confirmation all around.

This was a medical class I decided to take for afternoons. It wasn't super hardcore like real doctor classes as scientific stuff in this world was pretty limited. So we would be learning mostly rough emergency surgery and bone setting and a few other things this was a single semester class I'd take for 6 months. Afterwards I'd be certified as a tier 1 medic. It never hurts to have more qualifications on my plate.

Class ended up being us filling out papers from a book and identifying major arteries, organs, bones, and other things to be turned in and graded.

For the first couple months the alchemy class was us learning how to take care of the plants. Then proper picking of the plants so as not to damage roots or anything with rough handling. Then we learned how to properly dry the plants and proper storage. Some could be just thrown into jars after they were dry and others needed more care and had to be cut up and stored differently.

The first three months of the medic class was making sure we knew what everything was and the differences in different species bodies. Demons for example had two hearts, Beast people had arteries in their tails and ears and extra bones to heal. The next thing we learned was how to identify common sicknesses and what to do to cure them. For example druids have wood like skin and need certain creams to get rid of flesh rot. Kind of like a humans form of rash except this is caused by them being exposed to rain for too long. Beast people are prone to migraines do to loud noises or strong smells.

After that we learned how to set bones properly and cast things. Perform surgery to removed arrows, or other weapons seen in people bodies. Proper stitching and wound care. Burn and Poison care. Emergency plague procedures in case of unknown diseases and quite a lot for a simple semester class.

The man was very serious about his job. Many people looked down on non magical medics. I mean why learn how to set bones when a light mage can mend it in a second. The reason is that there may not always be a light mage and if there was he might be a dumbass and not be able to properly identify the wound.

After 6 months ended I got my medic certification stamped on my plate. I would of course keep studying and often go find the man to ask questions he was very happy to explain things.

After 6 months of plant identification and care we could finally move on to the first part of True alchemy.