Tier 3 alchemist.

The tier 3 alchemist is what every cultivation novel reader knows about. Pill refinement.

There was only me and one other boy in the class because the requirements for becoming a tier 3 alchemist were to have either wood magic or fire magic.

Using fire magic you can burn out impurities in herbs. While with wood magic you can extract the impurities. Both have pros and cons.

Fire magic takes massive amounts of focus and time to slowly cook out impurities and it leads to a lot of failures if you slip even a little bit.

Wood magic is fast and efficient at taking out impurities from herbs but it has the drawback of not being able to melt down monster cores for certain recipes so you need 100% plant and liquid based pill formulas.

The old man teaching the class nearly pissed his pants in glee and tried to take me as a personal disciple on the spot when he found out I can use both wood and fire magic.

I had to turn him down though as I didn't want to spend forever doing just alchemy I have grand plans my friends.

This didn't dampen his enthusiasm at all and instead started to teach me even more adamantly it was of course trial and error trying to work out formulas using wood magic or fire magic at different points for different ingredients.

we of course learned quite a few tricks from the old man. Like how to give form to our base magic without using spells. So I could freely form a fireball or wood energy using just my magic alone. conglomerating magic energy into form was something new and fun for me.

Like the potion recipes we had to sign contracts and put the formulas into our grimoire in front of soldiers.

We burned through insane amounts of herbs and monster parts practicing pill refinement.

The guy in the class with me had fire magic. He blew up cauldrons and medicine more times than I can count. Which incidently caused me to fuck up when he fucked up. Nothing throws off focus more than a explosion and a cauldron lid being blasted through the roof into space.

He could be hired into the army to be artillery. Just aim his cauldron at people and watch the destruction.

Eventually I just got a separate room as I started to get pissed.

This helped immensely. I finally managed to work out a perfect balance of wood and fire to get the pills done. They weren't great but they were fucking pills. Now all I needed was practice.

The kingdom pays premium money for any pills. Like big fucking bank money. There were like 3 tier 3 alchemist total in the kingdom and one was working at the palace one was here at the school teaching and researching and the last one was a bastard who scammed people with crazy prices.

As soon as I could make an edible pill I was registered as a tier 3 alchemist and the king was informed. He sent me a deal for me to sell pills to the kingdom at discounted prices in exchange for formulas, supplies, and other items from the castle.

It was a good deal. I rejected immediately unless he offered me the book for 1 advanced tier magic of my choosing as well as what he previously offered.

Advanced magic books contain only a single spell and they are kingdom secrets and if put up for auction could go for hundreds of thousands to millions of gold depending on the element.

It was a hard bargain. But he accepted it.

Soon I was sitting in front of a squadron of soldiers sent to guard one book and a batch of materials.

What advanced spell did I get?

The fucking top tier magic every wizard would give his left nut to learn. Teleportation.

However there was absolutely no way In hell I could use it. I knew fucking squat about space magic. The chances of me ripping myself apart are 100%.

There was literally only a single fucking space spell in the entire kingdom and it was this teleportation. I had fucking looked. The library at the palace had no basic or intermediate space or time magics and I don't think they even had any advanced time magics. The magic books for time and space even in the system store where astronomical.

However I wanted it just to have it even if it was useless to me for now.

From then on my classes were split to wood alchemy in the morning and fire alchemy in the afternoons. I made tons of pills until I knew the recipes and motions by heart for both elements and the combined elements.

Start of Next semester I'd be 11 and a half. I'm already considered a genius. I have much more to learn before I even think about quitting school. I can't even register for anything until I'm 16.

I had plans to have my position bolstered before I even registered for anything.

I'm sure your all wondering about Silvia and Sasha. So I'll quickly explain about them. Sasha is studying with Cassie everyday getting better at her skills and Silvia is training with her teachers and doing military classes. We see each other every single day, they still refuse to sleep anywhere but my bed and have done so for almost 6 years. The girls are now the best of friends.