Skills and showing off.

Due to being in the dungeon so long we had actually got quite a few levels in our classes.

At level 5 we seemed to get basic mastery of whatever weapons we used like basic swordsmanship or basic gun handling. There were others like for farming the plants I harvested seemed to be healthier for cooking food became 10% more delicious. For blacksmithing it was 10% faster at doing repairs. now it may not seem like a noticeable amount but When you mix some together like the 10% healthier herbs from farming and the 10% better medicine effects from alchemy. That's a noticeable jump and that's only for level 5.

I had two level 10 classes. Mage and gunslinger. For mage my level 5 skill was spells are 10% faster and I got another skill at 10 which was speed casting. This would come in handy for mages who needed to chant to cast powerful spells. I just use hand motions but it's still quite a change as the spells were practically instant.

My level 10 skill for gunslinger was quick reload which was odd. It made me feel like my hands just automatically loaded my guns at crazy speeds.

I had gotten used to my guns in the dungeon cause I was just too frustrated and hot to want to swing weapons around in the heat and started blasting things.

I had calmed down being out of the dungeon and spent the next few days at the castle watching over everyone. The reason for that was making sure like I said before that I was on the right team. If the king and knights did suspicious stuff I would change sides in a heartbeat or just leave. However my worries were unfounded as they did everything properly and the only hiccup was that one douchebag knight who was jealous and dissapeared.

They would be holding a parade and festival for the heroes and the people to boost morale. As in the next couple of years a war would probably break out so it's good to raise morale to the highest and celebrate while they can.

I would not be participating as this could make me into a target for either fans to come and pester me which would be annoying or I'd become a target for demon spies that are hidden in the crowd and that would be equally annoying.

Right now I just blend in with everyone else. Of course I wasn't going to say anything as all those little shits did was see me and pale or sneer at me.

Man would they be in for a rude awakening when war comes. None of them were trained killers or anything I never understood why they got students and not soldiers or veterans with experience. Seems like a major fuck up to me.

The parade was a whole grand affair there were knights fully decked out and flowers and steamers all over the streets there were people on both sides of the streets eager to get a look at the fabled summoned heroes to fight the demons.

I just watched from a food stall where I happily ate some meat and veggies grilled on sticks As they walked down the road or rode little carriages and waved happily to the people while wearing expensive looking gear.

It was pretty much just showing off. At this point all the Knights were stronger than them.

I saw suspicious people in the crowd and figured I might help out a little bit.

would make my way through the crowd to the hooded suspicious people and with a dagger in one hand and a Chicken kebab in the other quietly dispatch them with a stab to the spine. Before throwing them either into my grimoire or internal world if they were still alive.

There were quite a few of them. I wonder if they are all from different factions in the demon group.

I dunno why they would even need spies as everyone would already know about the heroes.

They were probably recording how they looked with magic or something. Only to be silently killed by a man eating chicken.

The parade went off without a hitch and next was feasts and games and a festival with dancing and singing.

I enjoyed myself with these I took the girls along to play games and eat so it looked like a big happy family out playing around.

We won some stuffed animals I have no idea how they made. Ate all kinds of fried festival foods. Avoided anything with fish as a lot of the Japanese foods had fish. I'm more for things like fried doughnuts covered in powder sugar or whipped cream yum.

I caught the heroes looking at me oddly from time to time probably curious about the girls but I just ignored them.

Amber had lots of fun she had never been to a festival before. She loved all the junk food and the fun games. Even Tia joined in under disguise so it didn't ruin the atmosphere of the festivities with people bowing and worshipping.

It was late at night when we finally returned to the castle with me carrying a sleeping little girl face covered in powder sugar and cream while hugging a dog plush. It was an exciting day for the little one and she was just tuckered out.

I wiped her face before we all just crawled into bed for a good night's sleep.

it good to have a couple of days to just relax and spend time with everyone that doesn't involve being cooked alive in a dungeon.

Who knows maybe I'll just relax tomorrow aswell. That seems like a good idea.