Captured sin and new information.

(A/N BTW sorry the chapters slowed down I've been playing video games not gunna lie lol.)

Spending the next couple of weeks in the dungeon destroying monsters just grinding out levels was actually pretty fun.

I had gained pretty much inhuman strength and speed at this point. The biggest factors for this were the martial arts and berserker class which brought my body to a whole new level of insane. Both classes were known for inhuman body strength at high levels. The skills for berserker were crazy. The first was the increased damage with 2 handed weapons at level 5. Level 10 I got a move called rage it's pretty much me going wild and getting stronger over time but I lose my senses and can attack friend or foe. Level 15 was a passive. Strength up small. It made me stronger Cassie told me if I couldn't lift anything before I got the ability I could now lift at least 1000 pounds. It wasn't just lifting strength that went up though it was all around body strength I could grip harder, jump higher, and run faster. Level 20 was another skill called whirlwind strike basically it makes me spin and drag everything around me into a meat grinder of death. Rather bloody, not a fan. Level 25 was another small strength up. I was up to at least a ton in spare body strength now this would be great except for the fact I leveled up too fast. Everything I tried to grab or touch would be crushed like the doorknobs in the house or the wooden handles on my pots and pans.

Another problem was running and jumping. When I tried running I would either trip over my own feet not being used to the new speed and power or tear apart my shoes on the ground from the force.

Jumping was worse I expected you know a few feet into the air and would be fine with that.

I was not expecting hundreds of feet into the air and panicking cause I have a fear of heights and screaming like a little girl all the way to the ground. Scary stuff. The fall didn't hurt me do to my new strengths but I think I'll keep my feet on the ground thank you.

Because of these problems we decided to put anymore training for a little while so I could adjust.

This also led to me having to wear some body weights to help me from running off at crazy speeds and I wasn't allowed to touch stuff til I got my hand power under control.

Outside there were people celebrating. I asked around cause I was curious what was going on.

Apparently one of the sins had been caught and was being held at the castle. They would be executed in a few days time.

Curious about this I made my way to the castle to investigate.

Sure enough one of the sins had been caught at a bar I'm sure there's a story about that but for now let's go visit.

Walking into the dungeon and waving the guards away I looked into the prison cell. Sure enough the signature purple hair of a demon of sin. This one looked to be in her twenties with long hair and a normal body she looked kinda dirty and scruffy probably from the prison cell.

I pulled out a chair from my inventory and set it down.

"So which sin might you be?" I ask the woman who looked at me curiously.


"So how did you get captured in a bar if you don't mind me asking?"

"I was just playing some poker games trying to win my money back when all of the sudden there were knights dragging me away. I was going to win and everything!" she says gripping onto the bars and yelling.

"So no murdering or raising armies just gambling?" I ask her rubbing my forhead.

"Yes? Why would I do any of that other stuff? I can easily win tons of money by gambling why kill people?" She asks me in confusion.

"Let me ask a question. Can you tell me about your sisters? Not anything bad just some personal stuff about them let's start with Gluttony." I ask her.

"Oh you know Gluttony. The only problem with her is she can't put on any weight and looks skinny all the time plus she always eats everyone else's snacks. Don't mention her breasts though as everyone got some but her." She whispered through the bars.

Well that's spot on.

"How about sloth." I ask.

"Sloth suffers from insomnia and is always tired but can never get to sleep. She always got bags under her eyes from staying up too long and just lays around doing nothing." She explains.

"Envy?" I ask feeling less and less inclined to fight them and more inclined to go spank a naughty goddess.

"She has some bad habits such as stealing stuff she likes but I don't think she can really help it too much." She explains.

"And you?"

"I just like to gamble and play card games I love winning people's money. But I seem to lose alot." She says ponderingly.

So far I've got a snack eater, a bad gambler, a thief, and a girl with insomnia and no energy to do anything.

I rub my forhead even more.

"Well let's get on with the others who might be troublesome. How about Wrath." I ask her.

"Wrath is totally evil she's always yelling at us. 'Don't eat all the food.' or 'Stop losing all our money.' total bitch." She says while ignoring my gaze.

That kind of just sounds like a responsible adult.


"Total virgin never even been in a relationship but she always tried to brag about all the men that love her and so on." She says with a laugh.

"Finally tell me about pride." I ask her.

"Ooooh when pride was little she was super shy and had issues with her self esteem so being good big sisters we always let her win at games and stuff but if you spoil a child too much like that bad problems tend to happen. So all she does now is just brag about how good she is at everything."

So I've now got a snack eater, a thief, an insomniac, a girl whose never touched a man, a bad gambler, a responsible adult, and a braggart.

"Have any of you ever actually killed anyone or raised demonic armies and wanted to take over the kingdoms or something?" I ask her.


I grab her and pop her into the internal world.

I head over to the guards.

"Goddess Tia will be handling all the demons personally and asks that if you find any they are not to be harmed so she can cleanse them permanently." I spew some bullshit which they accept as fact before leaving to head home.