Crazy maid.

After the auction I had made quite a fortune since I could make copies of manuals I would sneak in a few extras that people really wanted to Milk them of profit.

After I had all the sects and solo cultivators goods I gave a surprise announcement. "I'll be making a public library at the mystical heavens sect and donating copies of all these books so that poor cultivators can have a better starting point." I quickly teleported off after that so I wasn't murdered. Basically I was just being a good guy :).

In my internal world a new maid for me was being trained. The crazy obsessed girl was going through cassie's personal training since apparently Sasha was too wild, Silvia was too proud, and Tia was too lazy, Rin would do but she was studying doctor stuff and alchemy full time. So Cassie picked her up since she was obedient enough to be trained as long as she stopped trying to stab any girl who went near me. Her name was Isabelle and apparently she believes we are destined soul mates. Anyone else was just garbage and needed to be disposed of and any females near me needed a swift death. Perfect maid material apparently.

she had long curly black hair with dark eyes and pale doll like skin. Her eyes would always track me wherever I went watching me closely. It felt nice in a creepy way to be admired like that. She was tall with long legs and moderate sized breasts and looked like a perfect doll when in a maid uniform. Got to admit I am fond of leggings and skirts not going to lie.

She apparently loved the idea of serving me as a maid and took to the courses Cassie was teaching her like a fish to water. However she took to all the other girls except amber like hot water and frozen glass.

To fix the problem rewards and punishments were set up. The problem was rewards and punishments for yandere masochists are very hard to put together. But very simple once you figure it out. Rewards are head pats, spankings and letting her spoil me. Punishments are me telling her I'm disappointed in her and giving her disapproving looks. Now that might not seem like much, but to someone who has an insane level of infatuation for you it's quite harsh.

After a few of those she learned to behave.

Now onto another important point. I know there are other worlds in this particular universe however they are all pretty much the same and I've gotten the biggest prize so far. A body with basic godhood.

Plus whatever those end things are I'm having none of that shit. I confirmed with Cassie those are something native to this universe just to make sure. Plus they wouldn't be back for billions of years so not my problem.

The problem was where did I want to go next?

The answer was someplace fun and a place where I could learn something new.

Some place with actual flushing toilets. Also little amber was 6 years old and should be going to school so I needed a proper world with sciences and all that stuff.

I opened up the world travel menu and started searching. There were all kinds of different features and stuff I could buy for when I transferred over. Things like drivers licenses and school certificates, basic identity stuff. I was able to buy like an apartment with as many rooms as I needed, I just had to pay cash.

I discussed it with the girls who agreed it was a good idea. The sins would be staying in the internal world along with Tia as she would be watching over the elves. The only ones I could probably trust to not cause some kind of trouble would be wrath or lust.

I sat down and registered everyone, set up bank accounts bought ID cards, proper adoption papers for Amber, marriage certificates for the girls who demanded them including a maid yandere.

Even Rin wanted one which caught me off guard for a minute before I just agreed. After everything was set up I clicked accept and we were all transported by a blinding white light.

When the light ended we were in a nice 4 bedroom house that was fully furnished sitting on the table in front was a bunch of IDs, bank cards, smart phones, A school acceptance letter, a deed for the place we lived all sorts of different paperwork and items. You can't just randomly pop up out of nowhere in the middle of a tech based world. That's how you end up on the governments radar.

I made my way over to the window and looked outside. In the distant skies I could make out something that excites me to no end. Massive spaceships floating in the sky or flying off into space.

"Awesome." I say watching in wonder.

I had picked a futuristic world cause I wanted to get some cool gadgets to play with. I was also in America so I hoped we had some nice things.

I had registered myself and the girls at a college which was super close by Cassie would be staying home and amber would be going to the elementary school.

I'm pretty sure Rin would be studying medical knowledge. As that's just been her main goal since she moved in with us. I would wait until I got to the college to see what kinds of classes they had.

In the mean time I was busy looking at the holograph tv wondering how that worked. We had made sure to get an upgraded necklace to disguise Silvia as I'm pretty sure America doesn't have wolf girls soooo better safe than sorry. Tomorrow we would go and check out our classes and register for what we wanted to do.

(A/N a shorter link to my donations page if you want to throw me a dollar for my time or if your just enjoying the book and want me to write more. Not needed but much appreciated.)