Class pt.2

Taking in all the information about the powersuit we continued to listen. Seeing as there were no questions he continued on. "Now each of these powersuits has an emergency mode." He says and pushes a small red button near the head of the seat. The front chest snaps closed the arms lock into the side the head drops down into the chest, the legs and torso pull up with the legs sliding into the chest from below. When it all finished it kind of looks like a round escape pod. "Now most of these don't come with a flight pack installed in them but they do have some small energy thrusters on the bottom of the feet and the back. These are for correcting yourself in space or leaping power on planets. If you plan to do any kind of flying with these or deep sea exploration there are kits you can purchase." He explains as he shows us the small thruster holes on the back and bottom of the feet.

"Onto the head. This is where most of the cameras and sonar are found however there are some back up cameras on the chests just in case the head is destroyed. He says and a couple small holes appear on the chest showing the cameras." He hops out of the powersuit at this point. "Simple basic stuff. This thing runs on 6 fusion core batteries that can go up to 3 months runtime before needed to recharge. They can easily be plugged into power stations on ships or at your home docking bay." I'll have to remember all of this to have a nice ship going. "The fusion core batteries are all safe from radiation or explosions if damaged in any kind of combat or accident so no need to worry about blowing up if one gets hit by a rock." He chuckles.

"Alright everyone forward I'm going to show you how to operate a manual powersuit." He says. As a large powersuit control panel appears in front of him. He starts showing us the power up button how to make the arms and legs move using a kind of hologram keyboard it's quite weird. But it's sort of like using a keyboard in a computer game to move and do things.

Simple enough for me I played a lot of games back in my day. He let us test out some of the manual suits to see where we were at. I did perfectly fine however most of the others not so much. Lots of people tripping over legs or not being able to control arms. We had a kind of headset over our eyes that let us see things like crosshairs and how far away things were it was a pretty awesome hud.

After that this class was over up next was Mechanics class. Rin headed off to her medical class. The other Sasha, Silvia and Isabella follows me to learn how to repair power suits and ships. With the special add ons I bought for the sentinels we were able to use them as most of the tools needed. The only exception was things like oils and sealants. There was also a special 3D printer we bought that could make quick patch jobs until we could get things totally fixed. Basically it just printed out small square or rectangular pieces we could quick weld into place.

The first class wasn't very exciting it basically showed us the tools we would use and how to use them. He had us take notes and showed the tools in action using the virtual world. Our sentinels recorded everything so we could rewatch if need be.

We learned about different kinds of laser cutters and welders and all sorts of different power tools. Most of this wouldn't be needed if we bought a repair sentinel. But I still like to do things hands on ya know? After power suit tools came tools for powersuit equipment and then tools to repair ships and landing vehicles. Too many damn tools. But fun to learn none the less.

After mechanics class Silvia and Sasha went to go play with powersuits in the virtual world at home and Isabella went to navigation class. Rin was still doing medical stuff so piloting class for starships was just me alone.

It was just like powersuit training we would be learning how to fly up to medium class starships the large starships needed a different class and You couldn't take it until you had a T2 pilots license. The light starships kind of looked like any old regular starship 2 wings a bunch of thrusters in the back a cockpit and then a small place behind the cockpit for rooms and such kind of arrow shaped. Medium starships where a bit bulkier with more of a bullet shape they had floors and docking bays with ramps so you could load up powersuits or vehicles. I was ecstatic that I was going to be owning one of those puppies eventually.

We were taught flying laws first. Large class ships weren't allowed to land on planet as it could be torn apart by gravity and all sorts of other things. Most medium class ships can be docked on planets and most small class ships can be used as transportation on planets. So I won't be able to take my ship for a spin planet side like those little hot rod small ships can. Of course there was also landing gear on medium ships or you could just put it in hover mode. I mean how else would you get vehicles off of them. All ships had fusion reactors to power them small ships had 1, medium ships had up to 4, and large ships could go as big as 16. Mine would have 3. I got one of the smaller medium ships as I didn't need too much space. 2 to power the ship and 1 to power the suits or vehicles and act as backup.

It was quite a successful day at class.