Powersuit weapons and customization.

I looked over my powersuit and I can tell you for sure I don't like the blank white mannequin look. I pull up the upgrade menu. Let's get rid of that white look for a nice dark blue.

There's a flash as my tool paints it. As that happens a new screen pops up for armor plating and style. What I'm going to go with is a gothic knight style except for the head. Not going to lie for some reason I just really hate helmets. I think most helmets just look stupid for some reason.

First off we need to get a mixture of metals for the plate armor. Starsteel and mithril mixed together make a nice dark armor with flashes of silver when it catches the light. Kind of like a night sky with twinkling stars. With the dark blue body underneath it just pulls it all together.

I give it a retractable plate body so I can still get inside of it. It has clawed greaves and gauntlets for grip on weapons and the ground also intimidation purposes. There's small spikes on the knee and elbow plates. For vicious damage you know we all love. With the engine upgrades the suit will have no problem carrying this plating.

For the head I've decided on a nice facemask not a full one just one that goes over the jaw kind of like a ninja mask. It also has cover for the neck joint and lets the head fully slide down for cover. I had purchased a chameleon style tarp which is used to hide ships from sight using active camouflage. I had the system make it into a cloaked hood that shifted between colors and hooked onto the shoulders and head. I could use this to hide from enemies and make it look sweet.

Now for what we all know I was going to do. Some led lights so it looks like there is glowing blue eyes shining under the hood. Some lights for the cockpit and a few inbetween the plating. The active Camo cape and led lights have their own battery and system hooked up to the back of the neck.

After I'm done the powersuit looks sexy and intimidating.

Now for weapons. I cannot purchase anything but cold style weapons until I have my pilots license and get a special license for energy weapons. So swords, knives that kind of stuff is fine.

For the first weapon what I found was very neat and very useful. It was a starship towing cable. These cables are reinforced so you can hook them onto meteorites or broke down starships and pull them where you need to go. Most of these are installed in emergency kits for towing things that broke down like if your thrusters go out on your powersuit while your in space you hook up a special magnet attachment and drag it back into your cargo bay.

I purchased a few hundred feet and a reel which I attach to the lower back of my powersuit. This makes it so I could throw it out and have it reel in. I had bought a few attachments like a grapple hook and stone splitter. The stone splitter is just a diamond tipped spike used to fire into rocks and it pops out little spikes to stick inside the boulder. Vicious stuff. It's mostly used to drag stones out of mining pits. I'm going to use it to rip off limbs of enemies.

The other weapons were a military grade powersuit dagger and a broadsword. For size comparisons the dagger is about half the size of me. The sword is three times the size of the dagger. So a 3 foot dagger and a 9 foot sword. The powersuit is about 14 feet tall from head to heel. I mean you have to climb a little to get into the cockpit but hey.

When I get the license for powersuit weapons I'm going to buy myself a nice massive hand cannon. They were massive and I was gunna get me one they were about as big as my body, weapons of pure death I don't even want an energy weapon I want a nice old school gun.

When the girls want they can have me upgrade their powersuits for them. They can buy pretty much whatever weapons they want. This powersuit will be a pure combat based suit. I have two spare suits one of them I'm going to turn into a construction style powersuit. Great for mining and clearing forested areas if need be. The other I have no idea what I'll use it for since Rin didn't want a powersuit I was just making her learn it in case something happened. So one for me, Silvia, Sasha and Isabella. Then a construction one and a spare one.

For the construction one I bulked up the engine and batteries. There's a drill attachment, it has basic diamond tipped drills and a water hose attachment. So it keeps things kind of cool when drilling. It's got upgraded heat sinks and cooling systems so it doesn't overheat or cook the pilot. There's a safety plate around the chest and head in case of things like collapsing tunnels the pilot won't be crushed to death and extra oxygen containers.

For the other arm it was replaced with a vacuum attachment to suck up crushed stones and ore and transport them to the surface where a machine can wash and sort them and get me pure ore. Any valuable gems are also sorted and stored in a small box. This is basically a heavy duty colossus of a powersuit meant for hard work. With all the safety gear and equipment on it this sucker was bulky and it couldn't run I had to have reinforced legs installed to carry it all. I painted it with a nice earthy brown.

I was having way too much fun building on these. I had to fight down the urge to buy more just for fun. I can't wait to play with mine in the virtual arena.